Introduced by Alan Dell
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the organ of the Granada, Tooting
Owen Waiters and his Orchestra
'Oh, my Brother!' by Norah Burke
Read by Godfrey Kenton
(Leader. Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Michael Collins
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Edward Byles (tenor)
and his Orchestra with June Marlow , Michael Holliday Colin Prince , and the Stagecoacbers
Today's story: 'The Dirty Doll's House.' by Ruth Ainsworth , told by Daphne Oxenford.
A programme of help and advice for the not-so-young
Attitudes and Exercises for the Autumn: Pauline Lane, a physiotherapist who is no longer young, offers practical help and comfort
Looking Forward: Dorothy Fisk explains why she views the approach of old age with equanimity
No one to talk to: Gwenda Scar-borough explains why there is no need to be cut off from everyone even If you live alone and cannot go out
(Continued in next column)
No Lavender and no Old Lace: Alice Hooper Beck considers your wardrobe Elderly Forum: recorded extracts from a meeting in Hoddesdon a fortnight ago where a panel of elderly people answered questions about themselves and their problems. put by an audience of welfare workers Serial: The Family Nobody Wanted ' by Helen Doss
Abridged by Barbara Henderson
Read by Helen Horton
Fourth of ten instalments
Programme introduced by Marjorie Anderson
and his Serenade Orchestra with Margaret Eaves
Ronnie Pleydell and his Orchestra
(To be repeated tomorrow at 11.0 a.m.)
A message of comfort and cheer
Today's speaker is the Rev. Geoffrey Treglown. He is introduced by Stuart Hibberd
Listeners' letters are very welcome. Send them to Stuart Hibberd , c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W. Listeners will realise that speakers cannot reply personally, but will try to deal with their problems in the talks.
Conductor, Captain Ray Allen
played by the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon ) Conductor, Frank Cantell
A programme presenting the hit songs of the moment, introduced by singing personalities of today with the Orchestra directed by Ron Goodwin Produced by John Hooper
with Alan Dixon
Read any good books lately?
A Younger Generation team looks back on a portrait from another age
Shirley Flack , Sonia Woolley , and Derek Bell discuss a recent cheap reprint of ' Florence Nightingale ' by Cecil Woodham-Smith
In the chair, Michael Flanders who also sets Competition No. 4
Listeners between fourteen and twenty are asked to send their entries on a. postcard to Younger Generation Competition, BBC, London, W.I, by Wednesday, November 2.
A story of country folk.
Tunes you have asked us to play, including some records chosen by Service men and women overseas
Presented by Robin Boyle
Dramatised for radio as a serial in eight parts by Howard Agg
' You could wander for hours in that great jungle of streets and yet miss Angel Pavement. It is not a real thoroughfare, but a dark, narrow, inconspicuous little street of old, sooty stone, crumbling brick and dingy woodwork '
1 — ' Enter Mr. Golspie '
(Continued in next column)
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
Production by Martyn C. Webster
A radio correspondence column of letters from listeners about last Friday's programme ' Any Questions ? '
Introduced byFreddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
Fourth of a series of programmes devised and written by Richard and Alma Jones
The Players:
Hamilton Dyce .Dorothy Holmes-Gore
Annette Kelly , Brewster Mason
James Thomason , Richard Williams
The Singers: Helen Watts
Raymond Nilsson , Robin Fairhurst
The Ambrosian Singers
London Theatre Orchestra
Conducted by Mark Lubbock
Programme produced by Michael North
Today the Big Four' Foreign Ministers met at Geneva for the opening session of their conference on East-West relations. Tonight's Topic comes direct from Geneva, and throughout the negotiations there will be further on-the-spot commentaries assessing developments.
Each week Paul Boyle and Dick Richards bring the latest news of events and personalities In the world of entertainment
Presented by Robert Gladwell
Amateur and Professional Finals
Dancing to the music of Edmundo Ros and his Latin-American Orchestra
Geraldo and his Orchestra
Commentary on the Finals by Elsa Wells and Brian Johnston
From the Royal Albert Hall , London
'Adam in Moonshine ' by J. B. Priestley
(to be read in fifteen Instalments)
Abridged by Edgar Holt
Read by Lionel Gamlin
4—' Companion of the Rose'
Commentary on the Amateur and Professional
Grand Finals with Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra