Jimmy Hanley introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the BBC theatre organ
The Dulcet Strings
Directed by Frank Stewart
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Michael Collins
and his Pieces of Eight with Roberta Barnes
(Leader, Donald Sturtivant )
Conductor, Gilbert Vinter
Today's story: 'Christopher's Friend,' by Jean Sutcliffe. told by Dorothy Smith. Part 2
The Vegetarian Way, by Rena Bosanquet. 3-Dealing with the additional vegetables
How much do we know-About
Psoriasis?: the question is answered by a member of the staff of the Institute of Dermatology Name this Child: some thoughts on baptism and the duties of godparents, by Kathleen Jarvis
Behind the headlines: a weekly feature to fill in the background to some recent news events
(Continued in next column)
Serial: ' Lost Girls'by Caroline Brown
Abridged by Molly Field
Read by Jane Fergus
The ninth of ten instalment*
Programme introduced by Jean Metcalfe
Directed by Henry Croudson with the Billy Mayerl
Rhythm Ensemble
Phil Tate and his Orchestra
A message of comfort and cheer for all in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity.' Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by the Rev. Leslie Weatherhead, Ph.D.
Listeners* letters are very welcome, as they give real help in planning these talks. Send them to Stuart Hibberd , c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W.l. Listeners win realise that speakers cannot reply personally, but will try to deal with their problems in the talks.
Conducted by Lieut.-Col. S. Rhodes, M.B.E.
Director of Music
Kenneth Tudor (bass-baritone)
at the BBC theatre organ
BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
Conductor, Frank Cantell
A story of country folk.
Variety at high speed introduced by Morecambe and Wise with The Kordites and The Raymond Woodhead Choir and presenting
Richard Murdoch and Kenneth Home
Tony Brent
Gladys Morgan
The Hedley Ward Trio
The Augmented
BBC Northern Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Alyn Ainsworth Produced by Geoffrey Wheeler and Ronnie Taylor
A radio correspondence column of letters from listeners about last Friday's programme ' Any Questions ? '
Introduced by Freddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
Music for voices and strings in an original style arranged and conducted by Ronald Binge and played by Max Jaffa with the Silver Strings and the BBC Chorus
Introduced by Joy Worth
Produced by Charles Beardsall
' Ben v. Scotland Yard' with Barbara Lyon , Richard Lyon
Horace Percival , Doris Rogers Molly Weir , Richard Bellaers
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Written by Bob Block
Ronnie Hanbury , and Bebe Daniels
Incidental music by Arthur Wilkinson
Production by Tom Ronald
with Wallas Eaton
Alma Cogan , June Whitfield
The Keynotes
Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Announcer, David Dunhill
Script by Frank Muir and Denis Norden
Produced by Charles Maxwell
by Kenny Baker 's Dozen
Introduced by Wilfrid Thomas
This week:
An evening with Duke Ellington
A programme consisting entirely of his compositions
' The Rare Adventure ' by Bernard Fergusson
(to be read in fifteen instalments)
Read by Robert Rietty
Abridged by Evelyn Gibbs
4—' Official Warning'
Johnny Douglas and his Orchestra with Franklyn Boyd