Roy Rich introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Reginald Dixon at the organ of the Tower Ballroom, Blackpool
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
Conductor, Jack Eckersley
' It Wasn't Me! ' by Hilton Brown
Told by Norman Shelley '
at the BBC theatre organ
(Leader, Frank Thomas )
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Monica Sinclair (contralto)
A programme for children under five
Nursery rhymes, stories, and music
A daily programme for women at home
Introduced by Margaret Hubble and including
' Week-end Shopping Basket': Ann Hardy gives listeners in the North of England an idea of what is available just now
' In My Footsteps to Paris,' by Honor Wyatt
At the age of twelve the sp:aker went to Paris with her mother and kept a detailed diary. This week she plans to take her own twelve-year-old daughter over the same ground.
' Out in the Open': a BBC mobile recording unit visits a chest clinic where men and women are arriving for ' refills' of lungs that have been collapsed; interviews with two young patients. Christine D . and Kathleen J.
' What is a Good Address?' In answering this question, Stephen Bone decides that the term has a different meaning for different people
Serial: Excellent Women ' by Barbara Pym. Abridged by the author. Read by Nan Munro
and his Band with Eve Lombard and Barry Kent
A weekly programme dealing with important world events
The British Industries Fair and the Export Market
Script by Louise Cochrane
A report on the British Industries Fair and interviews with some of the people who are buying and selling there
Troise and his Banjoliers
The music you have asked for introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
This week from Oslo
Norsk Rikskringkasting
Light Orchestra
Conducted by Oyvind Bergh
Agge Wallin (violin)
Johan Oyan (piano)
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet with Doreen Lundy and Joseph McNally
Introduced by John Webster
and his Music Makers with the Stargazers
A story of country folk.
followed by
including cricket close of play scores
Tunes you have asked us to play
A happy history of Everyman's entertainment with Gwen Catley
Mabel Constanduros
Gladys Young
Peter Brough
Alan Paul
Rex Palmer
Everyman with the wireless set,
Anthony Armstrong
Written by Gale Pedrick
Produced by Thurstan Holland
Questions of the moment put by members of the audience are discussed spontaneously by A. G. Street
J. Bronowski
Ted Leather , M.P.
The Rt. Hon.
Philip Noel-Baker , M.P.
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
From the Miners' Welfare Hall,
Cinderford. Gloucestershire
Philip Noel-Baker , a newcomer to ' Any Questions?,' is the Member of Parliament (Labour) for South Derby. He was appointed Minister of Fuel and Power in 1950, after serving as Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations from 1947. He had previously held office as Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of War Transport, and later as Minister of State and Secretary of State for Air.
by Kenny Baker 's Dozen
Introduced by Wilfrid Thomas featuring Harry Roche
Eric Delaney , Keith Bird
' The House under the Water' by Francis Brett Young
Reader, Basil Jones
15—' Return to the Forest'
Light, classical, and romantic music played by the BBC Welsh Orchestra
(Leader, Philip Whiteway)
Conductor, Rae Jenkins