Steve Race introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Reginald Porter-Brown at the organ of the Granada, Tooting, London
Norton Colville and his Ballroom Music
Conductor, Arthur Barnes
' Henry Hawbuck 's Holiday' by Frank Stuart
Told by Percy Jacomb
at the BBC theatre organ
(Leader, Philip Whiteway)
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Beryl Kimber (violin)
A programme for children under five
A daily programme for women at home
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson and including
' The Week - end Shopping Basket': Margaret Ryan gives listeners in the North of England an idea of what is available just now
' The Lost Budgerigar': Margaret Shaw recalls the story of a bird she once owned
Out in the Open-4. A Woman and a Germ-What shall she do? ' A case conference of people in the service of a tuberculous patient
' From a Man's Point of View': ' A Man About the House.' Alan Lindsay describes the adversities of an artist who has to work at home
Serial: Greengates ' by R. C. Sherriff. Abridged by Jane Bow ness. Read by Walter Hudd
and his Band with Marie Benson and Ray Burns
A weekly programme dealing with important world events
Mediterranean Exercises
Lionel Gamlin , who is with the Fleet in the Mediterranean, describes the exercises and the ships- taking part in them
Harold Collins and his Orchestra
Mrs. Dale. the doctor's wife, records the daily happenings in the life of her family
Script by Lesley Wilson
The music you have asked for introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
New Casino Orchestra
Conducted by Reginald Kilbey with George Armitage (tenor)
BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, George Deason )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet with Camilla Castelli and Ian Blair
Introduced by John Webster
at Pulborough, Sussex
Young people spending the week-end at Lodge Hill ask the questions. Learie Constantlne , Jack Crump , and Mel Dale give the answers
In the chair,
Wynford Vaughan Thomas
A story of country folk.
Raymond Glendenning on tomorrow's fixtures
with Kitty Bluett
Peter Sellers , Patricia Hayes Graham Stark , Charles Leno
John Hanson , The King's Men
Introduced by Roy Plomley
The Ladies:
Yvonne Arnaud
Hermione Gingold
Jeann Marsh v. the Gentlemen: Jimmy Edwards Gerard Hoffnung
Jack Sherry
The Jury:
Three sixth-form schoolgirls
Devised and produced by Ian C. Messiter
(Yvonne Arnaud is appearing in 'Colombe' at the New Theatre, London)
with Charles Penrose
Paddie O'Neil Harry Mooney George Betton Cathie Haigh
Mooney and King
Chairman, Rob Currie supported by Billy Howard with the Palace of Varieties Chorus and the BBC Variety Orchestra
Script by Harry Loman Produced and conducted by Ernest Longstaffe
Questions of the moment put by members of the audience are discussed spontaneously by A. G. Street
The Rt. Hon. Hugh Gaitskell ,
C.B.E., M.P.
Robert Boothby , M.P.
Mary Stocks
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
From the Winter Gardens.
Produced by Nicholas Crocker
and his Orchestra with Jill Day
Derrick Francis , and Bob Dale
' A Rough Shoot' by Geoffrey Household
Reader, Lewis Gedge
12—' The End of the People's Union '
Conductor, Herbert Lodge