Introduced by Joe Linnane
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Andrew Fenner at the BBC theatre organ
The Regent Orchestra
Conducted by John Thorpe
Frank Cantell introduces music played under his direction by the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
' A Gay Little Tune ' by Doris Rust
Told by Gordon Gow
Directed by Ronnie Aldrich
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
Introduced by Jean Metcalfe and including
Spotlight on a Well-Dressed Woman. ' The Smartness of Separates': Beatrice Dawson , the designer, shows why this new fashion is becoming so popular
' One of Twenty Servants': Lilian Willis gives a picture of the days when she was ' in service ' in a large country house
' Home Dressmaking': this week Lena Townsend discusses patterns, materials, and cutting-out
Joan Neville Ness invites you to relax. Today: ' Your Legs.' (BBC recording)
Serial: ' The Encircled Heart' by Josephine Elder. Read by Sonia Dresdel
Commentaries by Raymond Glendenning, with Claude Harrison as race-reader, from the Grand-stand, and by Michael O'Hehir from a point down the course
From Prestbury Park, Cheltenham
Reginald Leopold and his Players
A New Town Takes Shape
4-'Bricks. Aluminium, Glass?'
George Scott-Wood and his Accordion Band
Script by Jonquil Antony
To be repeated tomorrow at 11.0 a.m.
A message of comfort and cheer for all 'in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity '
Speaker, Dr. Maude Royden
Introduced by Stuart Hibberd
(Listeners' letter are very welcome. Send them to Stuar! Hibberd, c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W.I)
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen with Jan van der Gucht (tenor)
David Lloyd James looks through the BBC Recorded Programmes Diary of the last twenty years and invites you to listen again to some outstanding broadcasts that have taken place during this week in previous years
Produced by Phyllis Robinson
Conductor, Albert Coupe
Frederick Harvey (baritone)
American folk songs and ballads
8-At Work and At Play
Presented with records by Jack Morpurgo
A story of country folk.
followed by
with Cherry Lind
Jack Watson , Johnny Morris
The Ivor Raymonde Seven
Script by Benny Hill ,
Bill Ottewill , and Bill Clout
Produced by Duncan Wood
From the BBC's West of England studios
(TheIvorRaymondeSevenbroadcastby permission of the Norfolk Hotel Ltd., Bournemouth;JackWatsonisappearingin Variety at the Palace Theatre, Hull)
Characters and situations from the books he chooses are brought to life by Gwen Cherrell
Marius Goring , Robert Farquliarson
Felix Felton , Geoffrey Wincott
David Poulson , Brian Smith
(Postponed from February 14)
(Gwen Cherrell is appearing in ' The Love of Four Colonels ' at Wyndham's Theatre, London)
Tunes you have asked us to play
A correspondence column of the air
Edited and introduced by Adrian Thomas
A series of domestic comedies written by Bebe Daniels ,
Bob Block , and Bill Harding with Barbara Lyon , Richard Lyon
Doris Rogers , Molly Weir
Horace Percival , David Enders
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Incidental music by Arthur Wilkinson
Produced by Tom Ronald
The Sydney Thompson
Old-Tyme Dance Orchestra
Produced by Glyn Jones
' Juan in America ' by Eric Linklater
Reader, John Glen
11-' Metamorphosis of a Child of Nature'
It's turntable time with Eamonn Andrews