Gilbert Harding introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Joseph Seal at the organ of the Regal, Kingston-on-Thames
The Promenade Players
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
Frank Cantell introduces music played under his direction by the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon )
' The Useful Present' by Vicky Briggs
Told by Beryl Ede
and his Orchestra with Kathleen Stobart
(Leader, Frank Thomas )
Conductor, Gilbert Vinter
Maurice Cole (piano)
Introduced by Mary Ferguson and including
'Reading Your Letters': a programme of opinions sent by listeners
' The Fun of Being a Public Speaker': Dr. Maude Royden , C.H., who has travelled round the world lecturing and preaching, talks today to the ' stay-at-homes'
Teen- AgeEvening': Alice Hooper Beck, mother of two daughters, discusses those small problems of dress and etiquette that can loom so large
' Your Christmas Bird': Tom Billington, Secretary of Poultry and Egg Publicity, talks about poultry prices and supply trends
' Mish and Muff ' : Margaret Shaw makes some suggestions for giving the animals of the household a happy Christmas
' The Blue Veil': Mary Hill introduces excerpts from the sound-track of the Wald-Krasna-RKO film. 3—Stephanie '
Sidney Davey and his Players
A Storehouse for Thoughts The importance of paper to modern civilisation
Programme devised in collaboration with Helen Newman
Primo Scala and his Accordion Band
A message of comfort and cheer for all ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity'
Today's speaker, Winifred Dale
Introduced by Stuart Hibberd
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
David Lloyd James looks through the BBC Recorded Programmes Diary of the last twenty years and invites you to listen again to some of the outstanding broadcasts that have taken place during this week in previous years
Produced by Phyllis Robinson
Conducted by Captain F. L. Statham
Director of Music with Alfred Swain (baritone)
Written by Geoffrey Webb and Edward J. Mason.
A story of country folk.
Tunes you have asked us to play
A radio diversion for the whole family
Informally introduced by Harold Warrender
Gillie- Potter with Joyce Grenfell
Stanley Holloway
The Pleasure's Mine
Favourite poems read by Wilfred Pickles
A Book by the Fire
Alan Melville talks about books and Laidman Browne , John Witty
Georgie Henschel , Olaf Pooley act scenes and give readings from them
Singer, Stanley Riley accompanied by Ernest Lush.
Produced by Becky Cocking
Leisure Serenade with Lizbeth Webb
A Wandering Minstrel
John Cameron
Alan Paul at the piano
Leisure Hour Players
Director, Max Jaffa
Incidental music composed by Alan Paul
Produced by Alfred Dunning and Trafford Whitelock
The correspondence column of the air
Edited and introduced by Adrian Thomas
A series of domestic comedies written by Bebe Daniels
Bob Block , and Bill Harding
13—I Dream of Santawith Barbara Lyon , Richard Lyon
Doris Rogers , Molly Weir
Horace Percival , David Enders
The Dance Orchestra
Conducted by Stanley Black
Incidental music by Arthur Wilkinson
Produced by Tom Ronald
A programme of old-time and sequence dance music played by Phil Cardew and his Orchestra with a lesson on the Seaside Saunter given by Cecil Ruault
Introduced by Michael Brooke
Produced by David Miller
' The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard* by Arthur Conan Doyle
Reader, Howard Marion-Crawford
' How the Brigadier
Won His Medal'
The beginning of the story
John Howlett at the organ of the Odeon, Leicester Square, London