Paul Adam introduces your request records
The Pavilion Players directed by David Wolfsthal with Alexander Henderson (bass)
This week's expert and F.E.B.'s discussion group leader tackle a topic in the news
Nelson Elms at the BBC theatre organ
' Private View '
Written and read by Stella Martin Currey
The Spa Orchestra directed by Tom Jenkins with Cyril Preedy (piano)
Conductor, Charles Groves
Oscar Rabin and his Band
Introduced by Olive Shapley
' Saving Yourself When You Really Must.' by Vera Colebrook
Shooting for the Pot in Australia,' by Sarah Campicn
Today's contribution from the BBC Mobile Units
' How to Dry Herbs,' by Joyce Haseler.
Serial: 'The Singing Lesson': story by Katherine Mansfield. Read by Joan Hart
Alyari and his Tziganes directed by Alvin Gould
Andrew Wolkowsky (domra) and Bert Weedon (guitar)
Vernon Adcock and his Light Orchestra
The Kneale Kelley ' String Serenade '
A Philip Odell serial by Lester Powell
and the Northern Variety Orchestra with Colin Cunningham (tenor)
(Solo violin, Charles Harberrelter )
Commentary by Raymond Glendenning during the first half of the international match
From the Football Stadium. Solna, near Stockholm.
A spelling and definition bee
A knock-out contest between
Youth Clubs
2-Wood Green v. Ealing
Master of Ceremonies. Peter Watson
Next week:
The winner v. Luton Youth Club
Produced by Neil Munro
including cricket close of play scores; and a report by Raymond Glendenning on the football match between Sweden and England at Stockholm
Stewart MacPherson asks all the questions, and Harold Berens , Gladys Hay , and Michael Moore know none of the answers
The Soup-Stains and the Foulharmonic Orchestra
Produced by George Inns
Tonight: Excerpts from
Rigolctto by Verdi Ema Berger (soprano)
Anna Pollak (mezzo-soprano)
Murray Dickie (tenor)
Roderick Jones (baritone)
, Hervey Alan (bass)
Stanley Clarkson (bass)
BBC Theatre Orchestra
(Leader, Alfred Barker )
Conductor, Walter Goehr
Introduced by Stephen Williams
with Marion Davles , Harry Secombe
Albert Ward and Les Ward
Les Jones , Dan Donovan
Frank Davison , Sarah Leigh Donald Wells , Frank James
The Girls in Harmony
The Lyrian Singers
' The Adventure of Tommy Trouble'
Script by E. Eynon Evans
Welsh Variety Orchestra (Leader. Morgan Lloyd ) Produced by Mai Jones
with Dorothy Squires and Billy Reid
The Male Octet and the BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Frank Cantell
and his Band
Andrew Fenner at the organ of the Regal, Kingston-on-Thames