Market trends, news, weather
Thursday's 'Ten to Eight'
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by CORBET WOODALL
Prayer and Meditation
Led by The REV. DONALD CAIRNS in Belfast
and Programme News
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven (Tune, Praise my soul-S.P. 623)
Interlude: Mercy
The Prayer for Forgiveness
To mercy, pity. peace, and love (Tune, Epsom-S.P. 682)
Wednesday's broadcast
from the BBC Sound Archives
Sir Cyril Burt on The enjoyment of living
Introduced by LESLIE PEROWNE
1: Je vous présente ...
Written by Raymond Escoffey
A programme for primary school pupils in their third year of French
Written by Roger Girod Recording made available by courtesy of Swedish Radio
French for Sixth Forms series
Unit 1: Groiving Up
1. What does it mean?
Introduced by MICHAEL SMEE
Current Affairs: a broadcast on a subject of topical interest
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Thursday evening's broadcast
for children under five
Today's story: ' Fishing rod for Carlos '
by Mrs. M. E. Gregory
A story about Dan, who lived on a ranch in America, and whose father was a cowboy. by Mrs. E. Morgan
Let's Join In series
1: Land and Sea
Written by Henry Marshall
A fairy tale by The Brothers Grimm adapted for broadcasting by Shirley Allen
Stories and Hhymes series
A series of legal problems devised and written by JOHN P. WYNN
Introduced by JOHN SNAGGE with a qualified legal opinion from F. W. BENEY , q.c. and comments from a panel of everyday people Over the Side .
Broadcast on Sept. 10 (Light)
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to some of the views expressed in last Friday's Any Questions/ from Redlynch, Wiltshire
Thursday's broadcast (Light)
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind, including:
The Oldham Rep: PHYLLIS BENNETT. a founder-member, talks to Brian Cullingford about this successful theatre venture from the early days
Oysters, Ailments, and Potato Pie: VERNON NOBLE recollects the troubles and triumphs of his Yorkshire grandmother
Our Stately Semi: with a family home dating from 1908. KATHLEEN BINNS feels she is as much a curator as a householder
A Meal to Remember: in the middle of the Malay Peninsula ALICE BERRY-HART dined off savoury duck while reading pages of the Manchester Guardian pasted to the bamboo walls
Family Refrain: a return visit from THE WOODS
Introduced by BARRY CHAMBERS from the North
The Kon-Tiki Expedition by Thor Heyerdahl translated by F. H. Lyon and abridged by NAN MACDONALD
A series of ten readings by GARY WATSON
4: The Sea Around Us
Produced by Bennett Maxwell from the South and West
Conducted by George Hurst with Tossy Spivakovsky (violin)
Part of a public concert given in the Colston Hall , Bristol
James Farrar an R.A.F. navigator and a youngwriterof great promise. was killed in the summer of 1944 TOM SALMON introduces readings of Farrar's verse and prose writings, and some comments by those who knew and admired him
Produced by Michael Bowen from the South and West
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by NEWS-STAND
How the dailies have handled the week's news, the opinions they have expressed, and current trends in and out of Fleet Street are analysed by DOUGLAS BROWN
Impressions of life in South-East Asia by DAVID WILLEY of the BBC's Far East staff
3: The Problem of Aid
ART TATUM on gramophone records
Introduced by JOHN DUNN