Magazine edition
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time look at life around the country and across the world
Introduced by JACK DE MANIO
A Sense of Forgiveness
Reflections from
The Rt. Rev. Glyn Simon
and Programme News
Regional Variations (3)
Good Morning. Wales!: magazine
Regional magazine
Revised second edition of the breakfast-time magazine
† THEDA POYNER , who was a child in Berlin in May 1945 when the Red Army entered the city. describes her experiences in the first of four talks
Sunday's broadcast
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh hymn-singing
Reports from Britain and overseas
Extended version of Sunday's broadcast
Regional Variations (3)
Welsh Schools: Story and Fable
Schools: Living in Scotland series
5: Advertising
Written and introduced by BARRY CARMAN
Produced by Rita Udall
New Every Morning, page 44
Rejoice! the year upon its way
(BBC H.B. 162)
Psalm 139
Acts 2, vv. 1-14: 22, and 23; 32 and 33 (N.E.B.)
Breathe on me. breath of God
(BBC H.B. 148)
Written by Milo Sperber
Intermediate German series
Lesson 27
Written by Raymond Escoffey
A radio-vision programme
Songs: My bonny Cuckoo; Pearly Adriatic; Migildi, Magildi; Big Rock Candy Mountain
Man and Society
5: Rebels and outcasts (i) tDEREK BOWSKILL conducts another session of creative drama exercises for Secondary children
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: First Steps in Welsh
Oswin's Word (V) by George Self and Alan Brownjohn
Introduced by JAMES PATTEN
Produced by Albert Chatterley
To follow certain broadcasts described as * a radio-vision programme , or an audio-visual programme' it is necessary to have the accompanying film strip or pamphlet.
Regional Variations (3)
Gaelic News
(261 tn.) Midday North: miscellany
A series in which you meet interesting and unusual people from all walks of life
Written in the Mind Charles Causley , Cornishman and poet. talks to TOM SALMON of his life and work, and of words written in the mind
Regional Variations (2)
Byd Natur: Naturalists' Brains Trust
George Woodcock, C.B.E., General Secretary, T.U.C., discusses with Roy Plomley in a recorded programme devised by him the gramophone records he would take to a desert island.
Regional Variations (2)
News in Welsh. Weather
and Programme News
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Roy Plomley's castaway is TUC General-Secretary George Woodcock. Show more
Friday evening's broadcast
Today's story: ' Something in the Garden ' by Mary Wandless
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: History of Wales
Written by Chris Burgess
The first of three programmes about travelling
Springboard series
by Albert Chatterley
Second of three programmes on different ways of speaking
Speak series
for the nine-to-eleven-year-olds by GLYN HARRIS
tADAM BROWN, as a lobster fisherman in Fife. found that the creatures he trapped are interesting, unpredictable, and docile
Quinneys by Horace Annesley Vachell with Wilfred Pickles as Joseph Quinney
Saturday's broadcast followed by an interlude
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind, including:
The Bulldog and the Bagpipes: JAMES CRICHTON tells how a double dose of white man's magic defeated the witch doctor
Talking about Books: some romanticised biographies discussed by ELIZABETH DICKEY
Mick the Matador: a fishy story by W. H. LEE about Joe McKeever 's red bull
Having a Baby in Spanish: Avis Hove talks about a nightmare experience in a Latin-American hospital
Percy French favourites sung by GEORGE BEGGS : on records
Introduced by MAURICE O'CALLAGBAN from Northern Ireland
Regional Variations (2)
Story Time: Two Times Table by Michael Elder-4
Little Women by Louisa M. Alcott adapted as a dramatised reading in seven parts by PHILIP GARSTON-JONES
Jo's encounter with the awesome old Mr. Laurence has tightened the bonds of friendship between the families, and his fondness for Beth has culminated in making her a present of a little piano.
4: A hard winter
Produced by Brian Hulme in the BBC's Midland studios
and Programme News
Regional Variations (7)
News. Round-L'p
News. Stock Market Report. News in Welsh
(434 m. t From the North: news and topics. (.261 m.) Voice of the North
Latest regional news — The stories behind the headlines-Tonight's Name in the News-Scotland Yard Calling-South-East Sport-From the Local Press
Introduced by BOB HOLNESS Produced by the South-East news unit
Regional Variations (2)
Adnabod Ein Gilydd; visit to the South Wales Free Churches at Lampeter
Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler in The Whitehall Circus with NORMA RONALD ,RONALD BADDILEY JOHN GRAHAM , DAVID NETTHEIM
Written by Brian Cooke , Johnnie Mortimer and Edward Taylor
Broadcast on January 29 (Light)
Regional Variations (3)
Kenneth Leighton. piano: BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Brahms. Bartok. Kenneth Leighton
From the Festivals-2: Fakenham: Jennifer Vyvyan, soprano: Philip Ledger, harpsichord
A programme of light music played for you by the BBC CONCERT ORCHESTRA Leader, Arthur Leavins
Conducted by ERIC ROBINSON
Introduced by PETER BARKER
by Wim van Leer and Arnold Yarrow icith Lyndon Brook
Ian McShane , Norman Wynne and Trader Faulkner
Europe: The winter of 1812-1813 Cast in order of speaking :
Music composed and arranged by Joseph Horowitz
Produced by RONALD MASON
Ian McShane is in ' The Promise at the Fortune: Andrew Sachs in ' Stand by Your Bedouin! ' at the Garrick: Michael Griffiths in ' Wait Until Dark ' at the Duchess Theatre. London
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by LISTENING POST
† GILES PLAYFAIR introduces this evening's edition of a series designed to reflect listeners' own views on current topics. Letters on public affairs and issues of policy are specially welcome
For very late letters you can ring (01) 580-4468, extension 3030, and dictate your message.
Regional Variations (2)
The Nor-Wasters: story of two anniversaries
Reports from a tour just ended by JUDITH LISTOWEL
1: Egypt
With its new oilfields. Egypt could become rich. But will President Nasser's political ambitions in the Arab world interfere with economic progress?
In Cairo Judith Listowel talked to Nassers Minister of Information, Mohammed Fayek.
Regional Variations (2)
News. Forecast for fishermen
The Pursuit of Love by NANCY MITFORD
Eleventh of twelve Instalments
String Quartet In D major
Op. 18 No.
Vilmos Tatrai (violin) Mihaly Szucs (violin) Jozsef Ivanyi (viola) Ede Banda (cello) gramophone record