News, market trends and current topics
Wednesday's 7.50 talk
and Programme News
The morning magazine
Introduced by JACK DE MANIO
A Man for All Seasons
A series of talks on the layman's place in the Church by JOHN COULSON
4: A sane affirmative speech
and Programme News
Regional Variations (2)
Good Morning. Wales!: magazine
Second edition
Regional Variations (2)
Service for Primary Schools
for Primary Schools
Introductory music
9.8 THE Service
0 worship the King (Tune,
Hanover: S.P. 618)
Story: The Life of Christ. 2:
Broken and Mended
The Prayer of Dedication
The King of Love my Shepherd is (Tune, St. Columba: S.P. 654)
Tuesday's broadcast
Coming of Age
2: Boys and Girls by MICHAEL SMEE
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
Tuesday's broadcast
New Every Morning, page 1
Angel-voices, ever singing (BBC
H.B. 256)
Psalm 3
St. Matthew 9, vv. 2-13
God the Father's only Son
(BBC H.B. 303)
Bryan Jelly, in his second talk on the potter's art, considers the various methods of decorating clay and discusses what makes a good piece of pottery.
Art and Design series.
Written by Jenyth Worsley
Introduced by JOHN CAMBURN
Written by David Rush
Geography series
Practice in musical activities begun in the Music Workshop.
Written by William Murphy
†Sam POLLOCK takes a light-hearted look back to what he was doing twenty-five years ago in the months that followed ' the day war broke out'
ñ† LESLIE SMITH introduces this morningfor's edition of a series designed to reflect ' listeners' own views on current topics. Letters on lively talking points of any kind are welcome for these midday broadcasts
Correspondents are invited to write to: Listening Post. BBC. Broadcasting House. London, W.I.
Regional Variations (2)
Gaelic News. Midday Music
A topical programme of sounds and voices to provoke midday listeners with minds of their own
Presented by the Radio Newsreel production team with WINSTON S. CHURCHILL
Wednesday's broadcast in the Light Programme
and Programme News
Regional Variations (3)
The Farmer: magazine. Interlude
News in Welsh
Five-round contests between London and the Regions
London v. West: Round 3
Wednesday's broadcast followed by an interlude
For children under five
Today's story: ' Bouncer plays a trick on Slyfoot ' by MARGARET E. JACOBSON
A poetry programme by MICHAEL BALDWIN
Adventures in English series
Regional Variations (3)
Schools: Wales-Its Life and Pejple
Schools: Scottish Studies
2: High and Low Notes by ARTHUR GARRATT
Science Work Units series
The story of the man who founded the Boy Scout movement
Written by Philip Holland
Stories from British History series
Ideas in Education
A series for newcomers to teaching and for those returning to the profession Drinking it all in Children and adolescents are exposed to the influence of newspapers, hoardings, and television almost as soon as they can talk. What happens? What can the teacher do about it?
ENID LOVE. PATRICK McGEENEY , and A. W. Rowe examine the evidence and compare conclusions
Introduced by TONY GIBSON
Sunday's broadcast
Regional Variations (4)
The Tudor Consort
Record requests
Gaelic Service. Interlude
with some favourite records which listeners have helped him to choose
A magazine of interest to all, with older listeners specially in mind; including:
Toscanini: DEREK PARKER presents memories of the famous conductor
My Mother's Linen Cupboard:
TRUDE DUB looks back to her Czechoslovakian childhood
Your Letters
You asked us to play ... record requests
Introduced by KEN SYKORA
A new serial play by John Darran featuring Security officers Greg Vaughan and James ' Rocky ' Mountain in their latest assignment
4: On The Edge
and Programme News
Regional Variations (7)
Voice of the North
News. Sport
News. Round-up
News. Stock Market Reports. News In Welsh
Today's news and the stories behind the news-Controversy -Sport-Preview
Produced by the South-East news unit
Regional Variations (2)
Shopping List
Regional Variations (4)
Police Call
The Harry Engleman Trio
Light Entertainment
Can you help the Police or can they help you?
Regional Variations (2)
Northern Motoring Notes
Regional Variations (4)
Jim MacLeod and his Band
The Song Carriers: folk-songs introduced by Ewan MacColl
Y Maes Chwarae: sports magazine
played by Jim McLEOD AND HIS BAND
Given, with dancers, before an invited audience: from Edinburgh
An occasional series of documentary programmes dealing with advances in various fields of modern medicine which may come to merit the description ' breakthrough'
Compiled and narrated by STEPHEN GRENFELL
6: Cancer
Produced by ALAN BURGESS
See facing page
Regional Variations (3)
The Road to Westminster
Talk by Jack Jones
by LAURENCE KITCHIN who talks about the current upsurge of violence in soccer and suggests some of the reasons behind it
Regional Variations (2)
University Notebook
Answers to listeners' questions about science and technology put to the panel by DR. PETER SYKES
Applied Psychology Research Unit, Cambridge
Imperial College, London
John Carthy
Queen Mary College, London
University College. London
Arranged by Archie Clow
If you have a question to put to the panel, write it on a postcard to: ' Who Knows? '. BBC, Broadcasting House, London, W.l.
A portrait in words and music
Written by STANLEY WILLIAMSON with a personal recollection by SIR ADRIAN BOULT
RAE WOODLAND (soprano)
Other parts spoken by David Mahlowe and Ronald Harvl
Produced by STANLEY WILLIAMSON and ARTHUR SPENCER tFirst broadcast in April 1964
Gwyneth Jones broadcasts by permission of the General Administra. tor, Royal Opera House Covent Garden; Elizabeth Hartcood by permission of Sadler's Wells Opera Company
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by LISTENING POST tWALTER JAMES introduces a programme specially designed to reflect listeners' comments on public affairs and policy
Correspondents are invited to write to: Listening Post. BBC. Broadcasting House. London. W.l.
Regional Variations (2)
News. Forecast for inshore fishermen
The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side by AGATHA Christie abridged by Neville Teller
Read by OLIVE GREGG Fourth of fifteen instalments
Recorded in the Kresge Auditorium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.