News. market trends, and current topics
Tuesday's 7.50 talk
and Programme News
The morning magazine
Introduced by JACK de MANIO
CHRISTIAN Howa«d gives her impression of the Faith and Order Conference in Nottingham
and Programme News
Regional Variations (2)
Hook-up: Cardlfl-Bangor-Swansea
Second edition
Raymond Baxter on Grand Prix Motor-Racing
A Sound Archives production
A Toytown play by S. G. HULME BEAMAN
Produced by Claire CHOVIL
Broadcast on October 29, 1962
Wie Melodien zieht es mir; Im Waldeseinsamkeit; Erinnerung; Es hing der Reif; Botschaft
9.46* Piano pieces, Op. 76, Nos.
1, 2, 3, 4. and 5: Capriccio in F sharp minor Capriccio in B minor
Intermezzo in A flat major Intermezzo in B flat major Capriccio in C sharp minor
10.0" Songs:
Das Madcben spricht; Meine Lieder; Verzagen; Sapphic Ode; Von ewiger Liebe
KATHLEEN JOYCE (contralto)
FREDERICK STONE (piano) SUSAN McGaw (piano)
New Every Morning, page 11
My God, how wonderful thou art (BBC H.B. 12)
Psalm 103, w. 1-13
St. John 5, vv. 31-47
It is a thing most wonderful
(BBC H.B. 81)
Conducted by CAPTAIN R. B. BASHFORD , Director of Music
played by Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
Answers to listeners' questions on science and technology
Dr. Peter Sykes puts your questions to:
Arranged by ARCHIE CLOW
Broadcast on June 11
Country Ceili from the Shield Hall. Ardglass, Co. Down
ANNIE GRAY (folk singer)
Master of Ceremonies, JACK SLOANE
Produced by SAM DENTON
Regional Variations (2)
Farming and Fishing news
Wilhelm Furtwangler conducts music by Mozart, Schumann. and Wagner on gramophone records
and Programme News
Regional Variations (2)
Record requests
Charles Schneer
American film producer General
Sir Malcolm Cartwright-Taylor Commandant General, Royal Marines
Four teenagers ask the questions
In the chair, PETER HAIGH
Produced by DAVID CARTER
Tuesday's broadcast in the Light Programme followed by an interlude
For children under five
Today's story: White Socks for Puss Penny ' by ANN Elliott
Erik Then-Bergh (piano) with the BEROMUNSTER RADIO ORCHESTRA
Conducted by ERICH SCHMID
Recording made available by courtesy of the Swiss Broadcasting Service followed by an interlude
The Quiet Evening by Barbara Foxe with Mary O'Farrell and Hilda Kriseman
Lucy Fielding had great spirit-and great charm. At seventy-three she could look back on a full and exciting life, and she saw her old age as 'the end of a busy. interesting day-like one of those golden summer evenings we have in June.' That was what she thought she wanted ...
Produced by BETTY DAVIES
from Manchester Cathedral
Preces and Responses (Tallis, second set)
Psalms 82, 83, 84. and 85 Lessons: Esther 6 and 7; St.
John 13
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis
Anthem: Hear My Prayer
Hymn: How are thy servants blest (BBC H.B. 305)
Organist and Choir-Master, Derrick Cantrell
Assistant organist, John Gittins
A magazine of interest to all. with older listeners specially in mind, including:
Fifty Years Ago Today:
DAVID FRANKLIN brings back memories of people, places, and music on September 16, 1914
New Horizons: BRIAN GROOM-
BRIDGE looks at the opportunities of exploring new interests through radio and television
Date with a Doctor
Introduced by KEN Sykora
Regional Variations (2)
Stories and songs from Aberdeen
J. B. Priestley , seventy this week, talks to GARETH LLOYD EVANS
On my reading list: a personal choice of recent books by Malcolm BRADBURY
The genesis of ' Thomas the Tank Engine ': THE REV. W. AWDREY , author of many railway stories for children, talks to MARIGOLD LAWTON
What makes a travel book: by HAMMOND INNES
Introduced by PEGGY BACON
and Programme News
Regional Variations (7)
(434 m.) Voice of the North. Humorous records. (261 m.) North-East News. Humorous records
News. Stock Market Reports. News in Welsh
News. Round-up
News. Sport
In the region today-news. comment, controversy
Regional Variations (3)
As Scottish
Ian Powrie and his Band
on gramophone records
Regional Variations (4)
Association Football: Derry City v. Steaua of Rumania. commentary
Beethoven: Trevor Williams, violin: Beryl Woods, piano
Barn y i-jbl: discussion
with JENNY Angeloglou at the piano at the turntable and at the microphone
Produced by LESLIE Perowne
Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
Women's voices of The Ambrosian Singers
Chorus-Master, John McCarthy
Leader, Erich Gruenberg
Conducted by RUDOLF KEMPE
From the Royal Albert Hall, London
Part 1: Debussy
Iberia (Images No. 2)
7.54* Rhapsody for clarinet and orchestra
8.4* Three Nocturnes
A picture of a generation by ROBERT KEMP the Scottish playwright who talks about what London meant to him when he worked there before the war. his attraction to the city-and his repulsion. which culminated in a decision to leave it.
Part 2: Tchaikovsky
Symphony No. 5, in E minor
Regional Variations (2)
Association Football: Glentoran v. Panathtnatkos. report
Did. John Hanning Speke really discover the source of the Nile? On the day he was to defend his claim-a hundred years ago-he was found, shot dead.
ALAN GIBSON gives the background to Speke's dramatic story
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Regional Variations (2)
Midweek Sportsreel
WILLIAM HARDCASTLE introduces a programme specialty designed to reflect listeners' comments on current issues
Correspondents are invited to write to Listening Post. BBC, Broadcast
. Ing House. London, W.I.
An anthology of verse chosen and read by m DAVID BROOMFIELD
Regional Variations (2)
News. Forecast for Inshore fishermen
Undercover Cat by THE GORDONS abridged by Marjorie Norris read by DAVID MARCH
Third of fifteen instalments
played by NONA LIDDELL (violin)