for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Michael de Morgan
Louise Davies gives food news comment and suggestions for the household shopper followed by an interlude
Mary Stocks talks about ' Rebirth of a Nation '
Regional Variations (2)
Friday Review
Second edition
Introduced by Michael de Morgan
Louise Davies gives food news
: second hearing of the broadcast at 7.40
Opening Music:
Joseph Gelineau 's Two Psalms
Ye holy angels bright (S.P. 701;
C.H. 39; D.S. 105; P.H. 225, all omitting v. 2: Tune, Darwall's 148th-S.P. 701)
Interlude: People Together
Prayers: the Prayer for Goodwill; the Lord's Prayer
Thv kingdom come. 0 God (C.H.
152, omitting v. 5; BBC Supplement 5: Tune, St. Cecilia-BBC Supplement 5)
Sonata in E minor played by Brigid Ranger (violin) Ian Lake (piano)
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Scottish History'
Stage 2: by Rachel Percival Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
For six- to eight-year-olds encouraging them to move to music Wednesday's recorded broadcast
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Morning Service
Feast of St. Peter
Disposer supreme (BBC H.B. 226) New Every Morning, page 33
Psalm 118 (Broadcast psalter) St. Luke 5. vv. 1-11
The Church of God (BBC H.B. 183)
Ian Stewart and his Quartet
The BBC Observer from the past has a narrow escape during the eruption of Vesuvius (A.D. 79) Script by Rhoda Power
An anthology programme of bird poems, including ' A Robin ' by Walter de la Mare. Hawk Roosting ' by Ted Hughes, ' The Owl' by Edward Thomas, ' The Stock-dove ' by Ruth Pitter. ' The Wild Swans at Coole ' by W. B. Yeats
Listening and Writing series
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: This Is My Country
Talks for Sixth Forms series
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket: Glamorgan v. Worcestershire, from Neath
Essex v. Somerset at Brentwood
Yorkshire v. Hampshire at Bradford
Last day
Commentary by Brian Johnston from Brentwood, and by Robert Hudson from Bradford
Regional Variations (2)
Farm Forum.
Property Prices:
Too High or Too Low?
Sir Ian Mactaggart , Bt. answers questions and comments from an audience in Reading
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Gale Pedrick selects highlights from BBC sound and television
Introduced by John Ellison Edited by Richard Burwood
Buenos Aires
By A. L. Lloyd
Don Fulano introduces a British visitor to the modern capital of the Argentine
Questions about Religion
8. Why did Jesus have to die? Script by John Allen
An Indian story by A. G. Lias
2: The Ring of Virtuous Delights Stories and Rhymes series
Regional Variations (2)
Wimbledon; Cricket
Lawn Tennis Championships
Commentary by Raymond Glendenning and Max Robertson from the Centre and No. 1 Courts with summaries and comments by Tony Mottram
Results and latest news from the other Courts given by Maurice Edelston
From the All England Club
Essex v. Somerset
Yorkshire v. Hampshire
Further commentary
Wilfred Brown (tenor)
BBC Northern Orchestra Leader, Reginald Stead
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
Lawn Tennis Championships
Further commentary
A dialogue story written by John D. Stewart End of School
Introduced by Cicely Mathews
A serial play in seven parts by Lance Sieveking based on JULES VERNE 'S story
The explorers have reached a subterranean sea, and start to sail across it on a raft of fossilised wood. Suddenly the air is shattered by an appalling uproar of a kind never before heard by human ears.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Round-up of events
News. Stock Market Report
News. Stock Market Report
News. Sport
South-Eastern News
6.30 Preview
Some of the events in the South-East during the week ahead
6.37 Fishing Reel
Bill Latto comments on news and prospects for anglers in south-eastern waters
6.45 South-Eastern Sport
Weekend review
6.57 London Stock Market Report
Regional Variations (3)
Pipes and Drums: as Scottish
Pipes and Drums: recordings made at the Annual World Championship Contest of the Scottish Pipe Band Association
Jeannette Sinclair (soprano)
Kenneth Bowen (tenor)
Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
Alan Civil (horn)
Viola Tunnard (piano) SOPRANO: La Pastorella
TENOR AND HORN: Auf dem Strom
SOPRANO AND CLARINET: The Shepherd on the Rock
Regional Variations (4)
Calendar: as North
Calendar: Church activities in the North during June
Home and Away: a quiz from Cardiganshire
Free Passenger Transport on the Railways
Ron Ledger , M.P. outlines his scheme and answers questions and objections raised by Graham Hutton and Edward Martell
Regional Variations (2)
Awelon Ysgafn Coleg a Phulpud: a humorous lecture by the Rev. Robert Ellis
Tessa Robbins (violin)
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra
Leader. Peter Mountain
Conductor, John Pritchard
From the Philharmonic Hall Liverpool
Part 1
Waldmeister Johann Strauss
Ballet: La Boite Si joujoux.Debussy
PAT ROGERS points out that young men may turn into reluctant bachelors -there are now too few girls to go round. This is dynamite. There wiU be upheavals.
Part 2
A dramatised account of one man's fight against polio
Written by Brian Lockhart
' I no longer need a wheelchair. My calipers and crutches are now a thing of the past. In many ways I am just as active now as ever. No, perhaps I can't run just yet, but it's always something to try in the future.'
Music by the Radiophonic Workshop Produced by Maurice Leitch
Recorded broadcast of February 28, in Northern Ireland Home Service
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Regional Variations (2)
News in Gaelic. Interlude
Sonatina played by the Duo Quillancia
Evelyn Rothwell (oboe)
Valda Aveling (harpsichord) first broadcast performance
followed by an interlude
10.59 Weather forecast
Regional Variations (2)
Prayers. Interlude
The Pale Horse by Agatha Christie read by David March
Last of fifteen instalments
Quartet in A major, Op. 18 No. 5 played by the Martin String Quartet David Martin (violin)
Raymond Keenlyside (violin) Eileen Grainger (viola)
Bernard Richards (cello)