for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
' Gentile, Meek, and Mild'
A. E. Breretondiscusses whetheT theseworcfe indicate strength or weakness
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
by Gavin Maxwell abridged by Donald Bancroft read by Gabriel Woolf
The fourth of twelve instalments
JAMES LANGHAM recently enjoyed a visit to Pollock's Toy Museum in London. He was told to ' start at the top,' so he did, and made his way down to a fascinating collection of charming and unexpected things-' a treasure house of toys of all ages and from many countries.'
by Elizabeth Powell
From Father
Letters to sons and daughters chosen by John Carroll and read by George Baker and Denis McCarthy
Feast of St. Bartholomew
The eternal gifts of Christ the King
(BBC H.B. 234)
New Every Morning, page 15 Psalm 111 (Broadcast psalter) St. Matthew 10, vv. 1-15
Disposer supreme (BBC H.B. 226)
Sonata for unaccompanied cello Op. 8 pliayed by JanosSttarker on a gramophone record
Excerpts from
Offenbach's operetta with JUNE BRONHILL as Gabrielle ANNA POLLAK as The
Baroness JON WEAVINGas Raoul
ERIC Shilling as Baron Gondremarck Sadler 's Wells Chorus and Orchestra Conducted by Alexander Faris ona gramophone record
Kent v. Yorkshire at Dover Middlesex v. Worcestershire at Lord's
Second day
Commentary by E. W. Swanton from Dover, and by Brian Johnston from Lord's
Glenice Halliday (mezzo-soprano)
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Leader. Philip Whit. eway
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
JackTrain, and'RichardDimbleby as'k aH the questions and Kenneth Home knows tome of the aneiwers
Produced by C. F. Meehan
Tuesday's recorded' broadcast
with Laura Gray and Denis Witeon (piano)
Conducted by Philip Hope-Wallace
Art: Eric Newton
Film: Edgar Ansttey
Theatre: Richard Findlater
Broadcasting: Barbara Bray Book: Richard Mayne
Sunday's recorded broadcast
A programme for the fives to eights
Come Along and Join our Song with Sassie Rees and Maimie Noel Jones
The story: ' Endless in Canton ' by Antonia Ridge
Storyteller, Gwenyth Petty
Introduced by Evelyn Williams
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Comment, controversy and character for Msibeners in London and the counties of tihe South-East
I'll sing you a song
Folk songs from around the world with Alex Korner
Davey Graham and Jack Seymour
Produced by Geoffrey Owen
A programme in which a question of current concern or interest is argued or investigated
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
by FRANCES GRAY PATTON read by David March
The first of twelve instalments
Previously broadcast on August 3, 1960
Sonata in A played by Jacques Thibaud (violin) Alfred Cortot (piano) on a gramophone record