for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Jean Balfour gives food news comment, and suggestions for the household shopper
followed by an interlude
' I Travel the Road '
A series of talks by the Rev. Lyall Dixon
5: Gypsies
Regional Variations (3)
Friday Review: magazine
Friday Call: magazine
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Jean Balfour gives food news comment, and suggestions for the household shopper
: second hearing of the broadcast at 7.40 a.m.
by Robert Tibber abridged by P. J. R. Wright read by Richard Hurodall
The eleventh of twelve instalments
by James Wood
Less than a century ago two small villages on the Moray Firth were known wherever ships sailed. At Kingston-on-Spey they built the schooners, and round the coast at Garmouth the ship-owners had their head-quarters.
JAMES Wooo has many of the records of the old Garmouth ship-owners and in his talk he tells of the days when the schooners visited Riga, Suriname, and Valparaiso, and how their masters dealt with the problems of trading.
by Grace Wilkinson
by Ginny Brown
3: We Can Relax Now ...
The last of three extracts read by Ginny Brown from her book about life on a house-boat
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh morning service
Blest, be t.he everlasting God (BBC
H.B. 486)
New Every Morning;, page 102 Canticle 10 (Broad-cast Psalter) Romans 8. vv. 12-25
I bind unto myself today (BBC H.B.
Sonata for two pianos- and percussion
Carl Seeman and Editih Picht-Axenfeld (pianos) Ludiwig Porth and Karl Peinkofer (percussion) on a gramophone record
by G. S. Kirk and J. E. Raven
A survey of the contribution of the ancient Greeks to science, and some reasons for considering it a brilliant failure rather than an enduring achievement.
Recorded broadcast of February 15, in Network Three
Sixth of ten weekly programmes
John Ogdon (piano) Renata Scheffel-Stein (harp) Gareth Morris (flute)
The Oromonte String Trio: Perry Hart (violin), Margaret Major (viola), Bruno Schrecker (cello)
The Well-Tempered Singers: John Whitworth (counter-tenor), Gerald English (tenor), Maurice Bevan (baritone), Geoffrey Coleby (bass)
Produced by John Manduell
(Recorded broadcast of May 4, 1960)
Memories of days past and occasions great and small
Introduced by Robert Gurrell
This week's panel:
James Gibb , Donald Mitchell
David Willcocks
Chairman, Robert Irwin
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Forecast for land areas, foMowed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Gale Pedrick selects highlights from BBC sound and television
Introduced by John Ellison Edlited by Richard Burwood
Stories, based on the work of the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia
MERELY PLAYERS with James McKechnie as Dr. Chris Rogers
Bill Kerr as Tommy O'Donnell
Rosemary Miller as Mary West
Bettina Dickson as Sally MacAndrew
Written by Rex Rienits
Production by Vernon Harris Recorded broadcast of June 2, in the Light Programme
(soprano) as the heroine of Cherubini's opera ' Medea ' on gramophone records
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Introduced by Ivan Samson Master of Ceremonies, Charles Crathorn
Produced by Fredric Bayco
The dances: Boston Twostep: La Rinka: Sunnyside Saunter: Barn Dance (Progressive): Waltz Camay: Tango Serida; Dinkie Onestep
A weekly exploration of the BBC Sound Archives
Monty Modlyn takes a look at the people and the story of some of the Street Markets of London
Production by Brian Willey
BBC Scottish Orchestra Leader, Peter Gibbs
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
A programme for the fives to eights
Alexander Armstrong
A serial dialogue story by John D. Stewart
42: Cutting Turf
Introduced by Cicely Mathews
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Sport
News. Stock Market Report
News. Stock Market Report
South-Eastern News
6.30 South-Eastern Sport* Weekend review
6.40 Fishing Reel
Bill Latto comments on news and prospects for anglers in south-eastern waters
6.50 Preview
Some events in the South-East during the week ahead
6.57 London Stock Market Report
Regional Variations (3)
' Try Any thing Once—Again ' : radio comedies by T. C. Thomas. 1: Bullets-for Prizes
Scots Songs: John Tainsh, tenor
Jack Watson welcomes stars of the entertainment world
A shortened edition of Sunday's recorded broadcast in the Light Programme
Tibor Varga (violin)
BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader Paul Beard
Conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent
Overture: Coriolan
Romance No. 1, in G, for violin and orchestra
Symphonv No. 7. in A
From the Royal Albert Hall, London
See top of page and page 51
An enquiry into the attitude of the British towards Beards conducted by Rene Cutforth
Produced by Francis Dillon
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Regional Variations (2)
News in Gaelic: Interlude
Terence Beckles (piano)
Recording of the broadcast of October 4, 1960
by , Kathryn Hulme abridged by Doris Macgowan read by Mary Wimbush
The tenth of thirteen instalments
Regional Variations (2)
News Headlines: prayers
followed by late weather forecast
Mozart Violin Sonatas
Sonata m A (K.526)
Sonata in C (K.403) played by Tessa Robbins (violin)
Robin Wood (piano)
Seventh of nine programmes
Next in this series, Friday, August 25: Nona Liddell and Daphne Ibbott