for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Louise Davies gives food news comment and suggestions
foMowed by an interlude
Christian Aid Week
3 : Hunger for Land
Speaker, John Green
Regional Variations (6)
Wednesday Review
Hook-Up: magazine
As North
Wednesday Call
Today. Today's Papers
Second edition
.: second, hearing of the broadcast at 7.40 a.m.
Regional Variations (3)
Round-up of events
I Ysgolion Cymru
This is an extraordinary state of mind for which MESTON BATCHELOR has provided psychiatrists with a word of which the Greeks themselves might have been proud.
Georgina Dobnee (clarinet) Alexander Kelly (piano)
How an idle and impudent Japanese boy who was treated kindiy at last made good (c. A.D. 920)
A story from World History Script by Phyllis Drayson
Glorious things of thee are spoken
(BBC H.B. 176)
New Every Morning, page 96 Psalm 82 (Broadcast psalter) Hebrews 8. vv. 1-13
Thy Kingdom come! (BBC H.B. 28)
Leader, William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Regional Variations (2)
I Ysgolion Cymru
A programme encouraging children to move to music
A great poet with an unusual life French for Sixth Forms series
Written by Max BeHancourt
Lancashire v. The Australians at Old Trafford Essex v. Middlesex at Brentwood
First day
Commentary by John Arlott and Bob Richardson from Old
Trafford, and by Rex Alston from Brentwood
Country tunes and songs from the British Isles and abroad played by Willie Walker and his Band with Christina Short
Produced by Richard Kelly
Regional Variations (4)
The Farmer
Farming; Fishing News
A Living from the Land
Introduced by Brian Platt
On the Farm Demonstrations: John Greenslade visits the site in Oxford-shire of a forthcoming Open Day on , grass conservation and utilisation to find out some of the problems of organising such events
Sacks versus Bulk Storage: Gordon Lugg. a work study consultant, discusses with Robin Chadburn , who farms in Lincolnshire, the results of a recent investigation into the costs of various methods of handling and storing grain
Produced by John Greenslade
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Jon Perrwee as Chief Petty Officer Pertwee
Leslie Phillips as Sub-Lieut. Phillips
Stephen Murray as Lieut. Murray , the No. with Richard Caldicot
Heather Chasen , Ronnie Barker Tenniel Evans , Michael1 Bates Script by Laurie Wyman
Produced by Alaslair Scott Johnston The recorded broadcast of December 21. 1960, in the Light Programme
Regional Variations (4)
Schools. Exploring Scotland
Ar Lin Mam
Schools. Dundrum
Charles Reiner (piano)
Chaconne in G minor (VitaU) The Prophet Bird
Scherzo-Tarantelle Op. 16
(Wieniawski) on a gramophone record
Harebell Farm is noisy, so May Mouse visits the town in search of peace. Let's Join In Series
Some musicali descriptions of both fine and tough weather
Second of two talks by Arthur Langford
Commander J. S. Kerans , D.S.O., R.M., Member of Parliament for the Hartlepools, takes part in a dramatic reconstruction of the incident on the Yangtse river in July 1949 when the frigate Amethyst, after being held by the Chinese Communists, escaped by night and rejoined the Fleet.
Script by Commander Kerans in collaboration with Stephen Usherwood
Schools Modern History series
Current Attraction by AlLEEN BURKE and LEONE STEWART
Dylan means well when he buys his wife a washing-machine for her birthday, without realising that she won't be able to use it. But Annie, too tactful to spoil his little surprise, hits on a solution to please them both.
Lancashire v. The Australians
Essex v. Middlesex
Further commentary
D. C. Horton recalls some more of his experiences as a District Officer in the Solomon Islands
2: In Hazard
Recorded broadcast of Nov. 5, 1960
A programme for the fives to eights
A story by Margaret Baker told by Bernadette Hodgson
A play in three instalments adapted by Thea Holme from the novel by MARGERY SHARP
1: The Prisoners' Aid Society
' Get him out! Impossible! No one ever got out of that terrible place! '
Produced by Graham Gauld
Vote for the winning discs played by Graham Gauld
Postcards should be sent to Children's Programmes (Sound), BBC, London, W.I.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Stock Market Report
News. Stock Market Report
News. Sport
South-Eastern News
Regional Variations (2)
Signpost: West Midlands
Lancashire v. The Australians at Old Trafford
Essex v. Middlesex at Brentwood
Close of play summary
Regional Variations (2)
Scottish Dance Music: the Heather Scottish Dance Band
A progress report on the Victoria Line the additional section for the London underground railway system first proposed in 1949 and still unbuilt
Compiled and introduced, by ROBERT GUNNELL from the experimental tunnel workings beneath Finsbury Park
Regional Variations (5)
Swyn y Glee: discussion
Munn and Felton's (Footwear) Band; conductor, Stanley H. Boddington
Laugh With Lex: Variety
Association Football: World Cup: Western Germany v. N. Ireland. from the Olympic Stadium. Berlin
Gramophone records including movements from the Fantastic Symphony conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train , Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Kenneth Home knows some of the answers
Produced by C. F. Meehan
Concert : Part 1
See column 3
1861-1941 by Francis Watson
For the West three-quarters of the stature of Rabindranath Tagore is submerged, like an iceberg, beneath our general ignorance of the Bengali language and culture. What we could see we honoured with the Nobel Prize and a legend of symbolic serenity. This centenary comment searches behind the legend tor a man burdened by fame yet unwilling to forgo it.
Part 2
A Party Political broadcast on behalf of the CONSERVATIVE AND
UNIONIST PARTY by Dr. the Rt. Hon. Charles Hil M.P. ,
guitar plays music by Frescobaldi and Joaquin Rodrigo on a gramophone record
Regional Variations (2)
First Love story by Bill Gavin
The Prophecy by Rosalie Glyni Grylls read by Bernard Fishwick
Regional Variations (2)
News Headlines: prayers
followed by late weather forecast
Sonata in F minor, Op. 57
Bagatelle in G minor, Op. 119 No. 1 played by Peter Element (piano)