for farmers
Talks by Mrs. Mary Stocks 1: Wisdom of the Ages (Book of Wisdom)
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
Talks by Mrs. Mary Stocks
2: Witchcraft (1 Samuel 28)
followed by an interlude
Impromptu in G flat Impromptu in A flat
Nocturne in C minor, Op. 48 No. 1
Valae brilliant in A flat, Op. 34
No. 1
Mazurka in C. Op. 56 No. 2 Polonaise in B flat minor played by Natalia Karp (piano)
Rudolf Firkusoy (piano)
Radio Philharmonic Orchestra of Hilversum
Conducted by Carl Garaguly
Recordings made available by courtesy of Stichting Nederlandsche Radio-Unic
Forecast for land areas, followed, by a detailed' forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by Lord Boothby, K.B.E.
Sir Compton Mackenzie
John Cherrington
John Freeman
Travelling Question-Master Freddly Grisewood
Arranged by Michael Bowen From Brimpton, Berkshire
Recording of last Friday's broadcast in the Light Programme followed by an interlude
The Piskey Purse
A Cornish legend- retold by Bnya Tregarthen and adapted for broadcasting by Margaret J. Miller 1: Gerna meets the Spriggans
Sonnet: 143 and some stanzas about the horse from ' Venus anidl Adonis '
Introduced' by Robert Gittings Reader. Alan Wheatliey Poets and Poetry series
2.40 Interval music
2: Cliff Flowers
John Barrett , warden of the Dale Fort Field Centre, talks about flowers on. the cliffs near his home in Pembrokeshire
Adapted) by H. Oldfield Box
Episode 3
Produced by Robin Midgley Sunday's recorded) broadcast
A programme of opera, operetta, and ballet played by the BBC Concert Orchestra
Leader, William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausky with Jennifer Vyvyan (soprano)
by Wilfred Spencer
When John Drake met Phyllis Barret at the Bluebell Inn near Colne in 1787 he started something that went on long after he died, for in those days rival Poor Law authorities conducted lengthy legal battles over who should be responsible for the care of paupers. From a study of the relevant documents Wilfred Spencer has reconstructed such a battle that took place in Lancashire and Yorkshire towards the end of the eighteenth century.
A message of comfort and cheer for all in trouble, sorrow, need, sticknesia, or any other adversity'
Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by the Rev. Whatley White
Listeners' letters are very welcome as they give real help in planning these talks. Send them to Stuart Hibberd, c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W.1. Listeners will realise that speakers cannot reply personally but will try to deal with their problems in the talks.
Hal 5 and the Haywards
The book by Henry Donald edited for broadcasting by Ian Wishart read by Leonard Maguire
Chapter 1: Goorlie's Garage
HAL 5 stands in a dark corner of Goorlie's Garage, unwanted by anyone, till the Hayward family come in looking for a small car. HAL seems to suit them, but all is not well, and today and on the next five Tuesdays you will hear about HAL'S misadventures before he finally wins the trust of Mr. Hayward.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Introduced by Deryck Cooke
Janet Baker (contralto)
Wilfrid Parry (piano)
BBC Northern Singers
Chorus-Master, Stephen Wilkinson BBC Northern Orchestra
Leader, Reginald Stead
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
Before an invited audience in the Town Hall, Manchester
May 9: BBC Scottish Orchestra; Joan and Valerie Trimble (two pianos); introduced by James Blades
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Banquet at the Quirinale Palace, Rome
See above and pages 30 and 31 Recordings made earlier this evening in collaboration with Radiotelevisione Italians
Alan Rawsthorne
Four Romantic Pieces
Four Bagatelles played by Jean Mackie (piano) as a birthday tribute to the composer