' Shop-Soiled Slogans '
Talks by the Rev. A. E. Gould
2-' Money talks '
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews
Introduced by Jack de Manio
' Shop-Soiled Slogans'
Talks by the Rev. A. E. Gould
3— 'I'm all right. Jack '
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
Regional Variations (2)
Hook-Up: magazine
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled and read by Anne Wild
Regional Variations (3)
Round-up of events
Signpost: East Midlands
Talk by R. V. Gotto
In the pursuit of his zoological studies the speaker has had some odd experiences both at home and further afield.
Derek Hammond-Stroud
Ernest Lush (piano)
She hath an eye - Geoffrey Bush
The roadside fire - Vaughan Williams
Young love lies sleeping - Somervell
It was a lover - Gerald Finzi
O waly, waly - trad., arr. Britten
Mr. Belloc's fancy - Warlock
A gramophone record of the ' Appassionata ' sonata played by Artur Rubinstein
Jesu, lover of my soul (BBC H.B. 145) New Every Morning, page 41
Psalm 119. part 4 Philippians 3, v. 17. to 4. v. 1 and 4-8 Fight the good fight with all thy might
played by Louis Mordish and his Players
and his Latin-American Music
John Lehmann presents
' James Steerforth ' from ' David Copperfield ' by Charles Dickens
Steerforth played by Frank Duncan
Also taking part:
Denise Bryer. Richard George
John Glyn-Jones . Richard Hurndall
Lockwopd West. Marjorie Westbury Production by Rayner Heppenstall
Regional Variations (4)
Farming and fishing news
The Farmer
A Living from the Land
An agricultural weekly
Introduced by Clifford Selly
Dr. W. P. BLOUNT talks to Dr. F. H. KRATZER , Professor of Poultry Nutrition at Davis University. California, and his colleague Dr. PRAN VORRA about some of the latest developments in poultry feeding.
J. W. MURRAY and BRYAN PLATT discuss the likely agricultural economic changes in the nineteen* sixties
Produced by John Greenslade
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A sort of radio show with Kenneth Williams , Hugh Paddick
Betty Marsden , Bill Pertwee
Patricia Lancaster
The Fraser Hayes Four and the BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor. Paul Fenoulhet
Eric Merriman and Barry Took wrote the script and Edwin Braden the incidental music
Produced by Jacques Brown
Regional Variations (2)
Very Much at Home: records
A Docker
MARK ABRAMS and FRANK BYERS talk to JAMES MAYES , who works in the docks in Poplar and is himself the son of a docker. He started his working life as a bricklayer, but since the war has given up the building trade and gone back into the London Docks.
Overture, Semiramide (Rossini):
Vienna State Opera Orchestra, conducted by Mario Rossi
Violin Concerto in D (Brahms):
Yehudi Menuhin (violin), with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Rudolf Kempe
Ballet music. Otello (Verdi): Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Fritz Lehmann on gramophone records
by Virginia Hewett
Cast in order of speaking:
Drusilla Phelps is happily married to a handsome and charming Naval Officer until a succession of circumstances leads her to question her husband's fidelity. ' Mr. Summers' provides a startling solution to her jealous doubts.
by Pauline Macaulay
Cast in order of speaking:
A conversation piece between three people stuck in a lift after working hours : an office boy, one of the bosses, and an unsuccessful applicant for a job.
Plays produced by Norman Wright
From Lancaster Priory
Versicles and Responses (Ferial) Psalms 69 and 70 First Lesson: Micah 6. vv. 1-8 Magnificat (Brewer in D)
Second Lesson: Galatians 3, vv. 1-14 Nunc dimittis (Breicer in D) Creed
Lesser Litany Collects
Expectans, expectavi (Charles Wood) Prayers
Firmly I believe and truly (A. and M.
Rev. 186)
Organist, Henry Walmsley
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally, and a meeting place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
A Septuagenarian and her Cars: Dorothy Hann describes various forms of transport
Cinderella: Grace Stuart goes to the pantomime and is moved to express some surprising thoughts on the subject
Presented by Douglas Smith
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour. Christmas Party competition results
As North
For Children of Most Ages
' With Christmas Greetings from ...
W. R. Dalzell gives the results of the painting and drawing competition for a Christmas card, which he set on December 9, 1959
5.15 ' The Websters of Barrowdale by Alick Hayes
1-' Lady of Spain '
Production by Herbert Smith
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Four talks by the Rev. R. T. Brooks
' What do you mean by ... ? 2—' Grace '
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Round-up of events
News, sport
News, sport
News, sport
News. sport
News. sport. News in Welsh
Local news and London Stock Market report
Regional Variations (5)
As North (261 m.)
The Pleasure of your Company: Variety
Country Ceili from Newtownhamilton. Co. Armagh
(261 m.) Stay Till Seven: magazine of talk and music
Regional Variations (2)
Signpost from the South-West Midlands
Country Ceili from
Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh
John Murphy's Ceili Band
Songs by Una O'Callaghan
David Hammond with his guitar
Master of Ceremonies. Jack Sloane
Produced by Sam Denton
London v. West
Denis Brogan , Hubert Phillips
Quiz-Master, Lionel Hale
Alan Gibson , Vincent Waite
Quiz-Master, Gilbert Harding
Arranged by Robert Gladwell
' Camberwell, my native place, was joined to Deptford and Greenwich by a line of horse trams: and what better environment could a boy want than those three places steeped in history.'
Frederick Willis recalls some more memories of London sixty years ago
Act 2
Act 3
Regional Variations (2)
Pibroch: by Pipe-Major Donald MacLeod
A short story by Frank Headland read by Robert Rietty
Act 4
Regional Variations (2)
That Reminds Me: the Rev. Basil Maine recalls his career, with records
An impression in language and music of the deadly havoc that can be worked by bushfires in Australia
Music composed by George English
Written and produced by Ivan Smith in the studios of the Australian Broadcasting Commission. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
These huge fires occur every year. The worst fire on record killed seventy-one humans and countless thousands of trees and animals. This programme tells of how one of these animals, a wombat, met his death.
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines: prayers
late weather forecast for land areas .
Lyra String Quartet: Granville Casey (violin)
John Crossan (violin)
John Linn (viola)
John Mclnulty (cello) with Ronald Duncan (viola)