Forecast for land areas
A breakfast-time magazine
' The Rules of the Road '
Talk by Canon Warren Hunt
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Brysiwch Adre': records
Second edition
Regional Variations (3)
Round-up of events
Signpost from the North-West Midlands.* Interlude
JAMES Whitehead recalls his father, a country gentleman who even in his lifetime seemed to represent a vanishing world.
Praise, mv soul (S.P. 623; A. and M. 298:' C.H. 21. omitting v. 4; P. and H. 24: Tune. Praise my soul)
Interlude: The Centurion's Servant Prayers; the Prayer of Dedication: the Lord's Prayer
Jesus good above all other (BBC
Supplement 7; S.P. 540 and P. and H. 59. both omitting v. 4: Tune: Quern pastores laudavere)
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Rhigwm a Chan
Interval music
10.0 EARLY STAGES IN FRENCH. A programme in simple French, in which listeners are invited to take an active part. Script by Janine Pelissie.
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Morning Service
0 Lord our God. arise (BBC H.B. 25) New Every Morning, page 61 Canticle 7 (Broadcast Psalter) St. John 20. vv. 1-10
Hills of the north (BBC H.B. 33)
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
Regional Variations (2)
Schools. Story of Wales
MUSIC AND movement I. by Rachel Percival.
Repeated on Thursday at 9.55 a.m.
11.20 general SCIENCE. Sound. 9-1'toring Sound. Script by F. R. Elwell
11.40 RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. A Debate about Morals. 10 — The Christian Cross-Questioned: the second of two discussion programmes in which J. P. Corbett. Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. talks with the F. A. Cockin. d.d .
(Leader, J. Moulaiid Begbie )
Conductor, Ian Whyte
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by Sir John Wolfenden
Victor Mishcon Bernard Levin William Clark
Question-Master, Freddy Grisewood
STORIES AND RHYMES. ' RollO and Reckel at the Pantomime the last of three stories by Leslie Barnard
2.20 SENIOR ENGLISH ii. Scenes from ' The Tempest ' by William Shake speare. 2-The Shipwrecked Men
2.45 NATURE STUDY. 10— Robins. Script by Christine Dudley.
The first of two programmes in which Denis Stevens talks about the traditional music of the street vendors and its use by English composers in songs and fantasies
Illustrations by the Ambrosian Singers and Players
Conductor, Denis Stevens
by Leo Tolstoy
A message of comfort and cheer for all in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity'
Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by Father Aloysius Roche
Regional Variations (2)
Awr y Plant
For Younger Listeners
A Nursery Sing-Song
with Vi, Doris, and Trevor.
(BBC recording)
The Rickety Gig
A story by Marion Tait
told by Herbert.
(BBC recording)
5.25 For Older Children: Something about London
Sam Pollock introduces the November edition of Something about London
A monthly notebook for people with all sorts of interests.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region.
Regional Variations (7)
News, sport
News; Round-up of events
News, sport
News, sport
News, sport; News in Welsh
News, sport
6.15 Local news and London Stock Market report
6.30 Today's Sport
6.35 Talking Points
Views and comment from town and country.
6.45 Organ Recital
by Harold Dexter.
From Southwark Cathedral.
(BBC recording)
6.15-6.25 for the South Coast:
Area news and weather summary
(VHF: Rowridge (92.9 Mc/s))
Regional Variations (3)
Wales through the Ages: 7: The Age of Saints
Birds and Beasts
Famous trials reconstructed with postscripts by Lord Birkett.
Eighteen-year-old Elizabeth Canning disappeared while walking to her employer's house near Moorgate on New Year's Night 1753. Some weeks later she returned home badly injured and in rags: she said that she had been kidnapped and robbed of her own clothes. A gypsy woman was sentenced to death for the robbery; a second woman was convicted as an accessory and suffered public branding. Largely because of the efforts of the Lord Mayor of London the death sentence was rescinded, and some months later Elizabeth Canning herself stood trial at the Old Bailey on a charge of wilful perjury.
Regional Variations (2)
Muriel Hay and Ivor Mills (piano duet)
See foot of page and page 6
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs.
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow.
Erich Gruenberg (violin), Peter Katin (piano)
Aeolian String Quartet: Sydney Humphreys (violin), Trevor Williams (violin), Watson Forbes (viola), Derek Simpson (cello)
Before an invited audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House, London. Tickets may be obtained by applying to [address removed], enclosing a stamped addressed envelope
(Next week: Donald Bell (baritone), Ernest Lush (piano), and the Allegri String Quartet)
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Robin Wood (piano)
(BBC recording)