Speaker, the Very Rev. George Reindorp
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine of news, views, and interviews
' Tiresome Types '
A series of talks by the Rev. A. E. Gould
Minister of London Road
Congregational Church, Chelmsford
1-The man with a chip on his shoulder
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
Second edition
Each day this edition includes some recorded items from the first edition. followed by MELODY ON THE MOVE
by Alistair Cooke
by Keith Swallow
How THINGS BEGAN. 9-Brain, Eye, and Hand. Material compiled by Richard Palmer : dramatic presentation by Honor Wyatt.
All glory to God in the sky (BBC
H.B. 29)
New Every Morning, page 37 Psalm 84 (Broadcast Psalter) St. John 17, vv. 13-26
Jesu. thou joy of loving hearts (BBC
H.B. 323)
Light Orchestra
(Led by Henry Tye )
Conductor, David Curry
SINGING together, by William Appleby
11.20 THE WORLD OF WORK. Jobs Needing Artistic Ability: introduced by Rita Udall.
11.40 INTERMEDIATE French: 'La nouvelle voiture': les Durand decident de se motoriser. Texte d'Emile Harven.
Conductor, Charles Groves
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
people, places, AND THINGS. Getting About-in 1958: A birthday treat. The last programme in the series on travel and transport in the past seventy years. Script by Freda Lingstrom
2.0 THE MUSIC BOX, by Gordon Rey nolds.
2.10 ORCHESTRAL concerts. 'petrushka': first of two illustrated talks by Roger Fiske
2.30 THE JACKSONS. Pigeon in the Chimney. Script by Charles E. Stid will.
2.50 PROSE AND VERSE READINGS. The Breakdown' from The Golden Sovereign ' by Richard Church
A play for radio by Rex Rienits
Other parts played by Owen Berry , P. G. Stephens and members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Produced by Wilfrid Grantham
The play takes place in England and Australia during the closing years of the eighteenth century and is based on historical facts.
Brogeen of the Stepping Stones: 7: Bold Anne and the Road Home
A dialogue story by Patricia Lynch.
(BBC recording)
Guitar solos played by Norman Watson
(BBC recording)
5.30 For Children of All Ages: Musical Calendar
Songs and tunes for the autumn.
The Arden Singers
Conductor, William Bennett
Vernon Adcock and his Music
Introduced by Bernadette Hodgson.
(BBC recording)
5.50 The week's programmes
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region.
with Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan
The Ray Ellington Quartet, Max Geldray
(BBC recording)
(Harry Secombe is in "Large as Life" at the Palladium; Peter Sellers in "Brouhaha" at the Aldwych Theatre, London)
Repeated on Wednesday at 9.30 (Light)
See foot of page and page 3
late weather forecast for land areas
Derek Simpson (cello), Fiona Cameron (piano)
(BBC recording)