Light Orchestra
(Led by Henry Tye )
Conductor, David Curry
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
First edition
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews followed by MORNING MUSIC
A talk by the Rev. Edwin White
Forecast for land areas
Second edition
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled and read by Louise Davies
Constance Kennedy Mullay (contralto)
Elizabeth Boenders (violin)
Ernest Lush (piano)
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. The Titanic (1912). Script by Leslie Reade.
Feast of St. Barnabas
Praise the Lord! Ye heavens, adore him (BBC H.B. 16)
New Every Morning, page 87
Psalm 119, part 5 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 11. vv. 19-30
Brief life is here our portion (BBC
H.B. 241)
Ian Stewart and his Quintet
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
with Kitty Bluett
Kenneth Connor , Pat Coombs
Laidman Browne
Script written by Bernard Botting and Charles Hart
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont v (The recorded broadcast of October
18, in the Light Programme)
LET'S JOIN IN. Fine Green Peas ' by Molly McArthur , with musical effects by Ann Driver ; and ' The Bean Seedlinf a a cumulative tale by Alexei Tolstoy
2.20 ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. Granados and Falla: an illustrated talk by Walter Drabble
2.40 MODERN HISTORY. Livingstone. Script by John Tully
by Jay Leach
(BBC recording)
from New College, Oxford
Sentences; Confession; Absolution! the Lord's Prayer
Preces; Responses (William Byrd ) Psalms: 60, 61
First Lesson: Job 29, w. 11-16 Magnificat (Howells in G)
Second Lesson: Acts 4, w. 32-37 Nunc dimittis (Howells in G)
Creed; Versicles and Responsesl
Anthem: Justorum animae (
William Byrd )
Prayer, and the Grace
Organ Voluntary: Fugue in B minor
Organist. A. Meredith Davies
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally and a meeting place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Dieting for Health: the first of two talks by a physician
The First Wasp of Spring: Canon Grensted discourses on the activities of queen wasps
Presented by Douglas Smith
For Older Children
* Hideaway Johnny'
A serial play in three parts by David Scott Daniell
3—' Ride Like the Wind'
Produced by Mollie Austin
Johnny Merrifield is in a sorry plight. Wrongfully accused of theft, disbelieved and deserted by those he counted his friends, he has been locked in a disused cellar by the very man who is the real culprit. His situation seems desperate ...
5.35 For Children of Most Ages
' Diving to History '
Talk by Alan Broadhurst
6.50 Children's Hour Prayers
Conducted by the Rev. Vere Ducker
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
from a West-Country Square Dance Party
Nibs Matthews and Pat Shaw
Songs from Pat Shaw
Music by the Jolly Waggoners
Master of Ceremonies,
Bernard Fishwick
From Malmesbury, Wiltshire
See top of page
followed by late weather forecast for land areas