Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader. Frederick Lunnon )
Conductor, Frank Cantell
' The way we talk about God ' by H. F. Lovell Cocks , D.D.
' God help us! '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Food facts from port and mart
Compiled by Ruth Drew
Michael Griffith-Jones (tenor)
Frederick Stone (piano) -
The London Reed Trio :
Michael Dobson (oboe)
Stephen Waters (clarinet)
Cecil James (bassoon)
by Anthony Cronin
Anthony Cronin , himself a furnished-room dweller of long and wide experience, describes some aspects and incidents of life lived between the window and the door.'
Records of his operatic music, including the Hindu Song and the Flight of the Bumble Bee
Ken Beaumont and his Sextet
Directed by Frank Stewart
by Walter Besant and James Rice
5—' The House by the River '
For cast see Monday at 11.30 a.m.
presents, on records, some of the interesting people he has met in the world of the theatre
Overture: Begorrah
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader, George Deason )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Radio: The Londonaires
Theatre: Jennifer Leigh
Variety: Vic Wise
Records: Reggie Gough
Late Extra
Produced by David Miller
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Plot the Spot : Figure It Out
Two new panel games devised and compiled by John P. Wynn
The Panel:
Hubert Gregg , Charmian Innes
Fred Cook , Audrey Russell
Chairman, Michael Miles
Programme produced by Joan Clark
with Frank Cordell and his Orchestra on gramophone records
Lunchtime scoreboard
at the piano
Conducted by Sidney Torch with Bruce Trent and Sidney Bright (piano)
A new monthly film magazine
Scenes in Sound: Anthony Havelock -Allan, the film producer, presents some passages of sound-track that he finds interesting
Independent Producer: Stanley Kramer , whose productions include ' Death of a Salesman,' ' High Noon,' 'The Caine Mutiny ,' and the current 'Not as a Stranger,' talks with Gordon Gow about Hollywood and his work.
The Case for Cinemascope: Ronald Neame. now filming' The Man who never was ' in Cinemascope and one of the first British directors to use the process, urges its advantages on another director, Alexander Mackendrick.
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conductor, Ian Whyte John Davies (clirinet)
Thomas Hardy 's novel of the Wessex countryside adapted as a radio play by Desmond Hawkins
1—' Mr. Percomb's Rural Ride '
For Older Listeners
' Dangerous Waters '
A serial story in sixparts written by Jack Cox
5—' The Man in the Tomb
Reader, Basil Jones
5.15 Musical Interlude followed by ' The Adventures of Deadline Donovan '
A serial play by W. B. Macmillan and Harold Ballantyne
5—' The Monster '
Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Kendall Taylor (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent From the Royal Albert Hall , London
Part 1
Overture: Egmont
7.42 app. Piano Concerto No. 1, in C
8.21 app. Symphony No. 5, in C minor
followed by late weather forecast for land areas