Readings for Whit Sunday from A. E. Whitham 's
'The Discipline and Culture of the Spiritual Life ' and Come Down, 0 Love Divine ' by Bianco da Siena translated by Richard Frederick Littledale
Read by Adza Vincent
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Whitsuntide Hymn:
'Come, thou Holy Paraclete'
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
(Leader, Donald Sturtivant )
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A series of six talks
1-Bede the Venerableby David Knowles
Regius Professor of Modern History
In the University of Cambridge
Hard as we might find it to put into words,' says Professor Knowles, 'there is a certain blend of qualities that is peculiarly English, and that throughout the ages has been embodied in great Englishmen. Of these embodiments, Bede is the earliest and in some ways the purest instance.'
A Bord de In Rose des Vents'
Script by Emile Harven and M. J. MacDonald
Peter and Helen have arrived at Honfleur. They are going to call on Helen's cousin, Marguerite Bosquet , who lives with her three brothers in a house by the Bassin des Corsaires.
Monter a bord, to go on board; en has, below; ie loup de mer, sea-dog; faire une sortie en mer, to go for a sail; peigner, to comb; soyez Ie bienvenu! welcome!; avouer, to admit, confess; partager, to share; prevenir, to warn, tell; pomper la sentine, to pump out the bilge; babord, port; tribord, starboard; presenter, ro introduce; je suis tres heureux de faire votre connaissance, am very glad to meet you; Ie sang bleu, blue blood; la confiture, jam
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage; introduced by Julian Herbage
'Britten's Choral Music' by Eric Walter White
'Musical Profile-Claudio Arrau' by Harold Rutland
'The Faust Legend in Music' by Felix Felton
'Elgar's Chamber Music' by Scott Goddard
This week in the Home Service
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Alfred Hall takes you round the town and introduces you to some of the people who live there
He visits the Castle and a famous local industry, hears about a popular eighteenth-century riot, and calls upon some local people who have tales to tell
(The recorded broadcast of May 18 in the North of England Home Service)
Conducted by Roger Manvell
Theatre: Harold Hobson
Radio: Frank Birch
Book: Pamela Hansford Johnson
Art: J. M. Richards
Film: Edgar Anstey
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
(Leader, Arthur Leavins )
Conducted by Stanley Pope
Part 1
Symphony No. 40, in G minor (K.650)
3.12 app. Concerto Grosso No. 1, for string orchestra and piano obbligato
(Piano. Ernest Lush )
Talk by Peter Mayne
The story of a Christmas spent some years ago in the camp of a Muslim prince amid the empty tents of the guests who never arrived.
Richard Usborne
This week he talks about ' The Slaughterhouse Informer' by Edward Hyams , ' Major Thompson Lives in France' by Pierre Daninos translated by Robin Farn , and ' Little Cabbages' by George Mikes.
Serenade for Children
Stories and music with Bryden Murdoch as story reader
Kirkintilloch Junior Choir
Conductor, Meta Macpherson and the Lyra String Quartet
' The Fairy Tinker '
A story by R. A. Howorth
Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
5.25 Children's Service for Whit Sunday from the Chapel of King William's College, Isle of Man. Conducted by the Rev. G. R. Parkinson , Chaplain of the College
Come down, 0 Love Divine (M.H.B.
Versicies and Responses Psalm 104, w. 24-36
Reading: Acts 2, vv. 1-11 Magnificat
Versicles and Responses
Anthem: God is a Spirit (Sterndale-
Come, gracious Spirit (M.H.B. 150)
Address given by the Rev. D. Keyte
(Assistant Chaplain)
Our Blest Redeemer (M.H.B. 160) Blessing
Organist and choirmaster,
C. Pritchard
The Stock Exchange by Gordon Cummings
Some points that puzzle new investors
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
by Taya Zinkin
Between India and Tibet, the Kingdom of Nepal has been left almost untouched by the currents of modern civilisation. After a century of rule by hereditary Prime Ministers, the country was shaken by a revolution four years ago. Power is now in the hands of a new King, who is faced with the task of giving his country orderly and progressive government. Taya Zinkin , a correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, who recently visited Nepal, gives her impressions of the country and of the political outlook.
A poetry notebook edited and produced by Patric Dickinson
Reader, David Lloyd James
' The Kingdom of Christ'
Canticle 2 (Broadcast Psalter) Philippians 2. vv. 1-11
King of glory. King of peace (BBC
Hymn Book 325)
Revelation 11, v. 15b
late weather forecast for land areas