Tommy Pears at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader, Philip Whiteway ) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
' God speaks to men '
Talk by the Bishop of Croydon
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Some pleasant tunes with which to begin the day sung by Patti Lewis , Franklyn Boyd and the Coronets accompanied by Malcolm Lockyer 's Octet
Music arranged by Malcolm Lockyer
Production by Pat Dixon
The Berkeley Singers Josephine Lee (piano)
Ivey Dickson (piano)
The last of three programmes of music by composers forming a chain of direct acknowledged musical inheritance
Metamorphosis of Insects by V. B. Wigglesworth , F.R.S.
Quick Professor of Biology,
University of Cambridge
Gramophone records of Rodeo by Aaron Copland and of movements from La Boutique Fantasque by Rossini, arr. Respighi
The Father's sole-begotten Son (BBC
Hymn Book 67)
New Every Morning, page 15 Canticle 3 (Broadcast Psalter) St. John 16, vv. 5-15
Breathe on me, breath of God (BBC
Hymn Book 148)
Hugh James and his Orchestra
and his Orchestra with June Marlow , Michael Holliday Colin Prince , and the Stagecoachers
6-Travelling in Comfort
Laurens van der Post , Peter Fleming , and Brigadier Bernard Fergusson compare notes on some cherished luxuries
Chairman, Peter Scott
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Cyril Stapleton directs the BBC Show Band with Alfred Marks, Rikki Fulton
The Stargazers, Ray Burns
Bill McGuffie , Harold Smart
Bert Weedon
The Show Band Singers
Production by Leonard Trebilco
Lunchtime scoreboard
by Don Bannister
Produced by Michael Bakewell
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Maurice Chevalier with Fred Freed at the piano
Margaret Rawlings
Bernard Spear
Kyra Vayne sings ' Ernani. Ernani ' by Verdi Robb Wilton
The George Mitchell Choir sings ' Come Back, Come Back
British Concert Orchestra (Leader, Reginald Morley )
Conducted by Vic Olivet and Philip Martell play ' The Pizzicato Polka and accompany the artists
Continuity by Carey Edwards
Production by Tom Ronald
A new radio play by Antony Brown adapted from the novel by Michael Gilbert
Main characters in order of speaking:
Other parts played by: T. St. John Barry , Peter Claughton Dorothy Holmes-Gore . Mairhi Russell and James Thomason
Produced by Charles Lefeaux
The action takes place in England and France in 1948
followed by late weather forecast for land areas