Gramophone records
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra
Illustrating some aspects of the nature of God
' God our Guide '
Reading: Psalm 91, vv. 1-9
Hymn: 0 Lord in me there lieth nought (S.P. 605)
Poem: Divine Guidance (
Francis Quarles )
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Speaker, Robin Adair
The Casino Orchestra
Conducted by Raymond Agoult
Talk by Jon Miller
Jon Miller went to Moscow last summer to bring back some fresh-water sturgeon for the aquarium of the London Zoo. He describes some of the things he saw and did while he was there.
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' MucillS the left-handed' (507 B.C.). Script by Rhoda Power.
Father, in whom we live (BBC Hymn
Book 166)
New Every Morning, page 50 Psalm 150 (Broadcast Psalter) Romans 7, vv. 7-25
God's law is perfect (BBC Hymn Book
Felix King and his Orchestra
Ted Appleton offers some holiday suggestions, with gramophone records to set the scene
Shipping and general weather forecasts, 'followed by a detailed forecast tor South-East England
and his Band with Jan Fraser
Me] Gaynor, Johnny Worth and the David Ede Quintet
LET'S JOIN IN.' The Wolf and the Seven Kids': a Russian folk tale
2.20 ADVENTURES IN MUSIC. Handel: the first of two illustrated talks by Eileen Browne
2.40 HISTORY II. The Rise of Napoleon III. Script by Mervyn Jones. (BBC recording?
on gramophone records
The Chester Cup
Commentary on the race by Raymond Glendenning , assisted by Claude Harrison , at the Grand-stand, and by Alan Clarke from a point down the course
From the Roodee Racecourse, Chester
ON THE BALCONY' by Adrian Alington
Production by David H. Godfrey
from Gloucester Cathedral
Antiphon: Lead me. Lord (S. S.
Responses (Tomkins) Psalms 22 and 23 First Lesson: Deuteronomy 10, vv.
Magnificat (Murrill in E)
Second Lesson: Acts 10. vv. 1-23 Nune dimittis (Murrill in E)
Creed, Versicles, and Responses
Anthem: Hail. gladdening light
(Charles Wood)
Hymn: Come down. 0 Love divine
(E.H. 152, vv. 1, 2, and 4) Blessing
Organ Voluntary: Fugue on St. Ann
(J. S. Bach)
Organist and Master of Choristers.
Herbert Sumsion
Lionel Ferguson explains how and why he journeyed to Arctic Sweden to join an international party engaged in glacier research in Lapland
For Younger Listeners
Two tales from ' Round the World Stories ' by Stella Mead
1—'A Horse or an Egg'
A tale from Denmark told by David followed by * Peterkin '
Adapted by Olive Dehn from the book by Mrs. Molesworth
2—' Margaret'
Produced by Eve
Burgess Giles : ' 1 really don't quite know what made me listen to Peterkin's fancies about his invisible Princess, as we got into the habit of calling her. I suppose, when anybody quite believes in a thing, it's rather catching, and Peterkin's head was so stuffed and crammed with fairy-stories, that the idea of an enchanted little girl did not strike him as at all out of the way.'
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. Frederick Levison
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
on gramophone records
followed by late weather forecast for land areas