Strings in Rhythm
Directed by Henry Croudson
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Thoughts on the Coronation by the Dean of St. Paul's
6—' The Communion '
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Hugh James and his Orchestra
Scurvy, 1753-1953 by Robert C. Garry , D.SC. , F.R.S.E.
Regius Professor of Physiology in the University of Glasgow
Directed by Henry Krein with John Gavall
(songs with guitar)
Saturday in Whitsun Week
Holy Spirit, truth divine (BBC Hymn
Book 155)
New Every Morning, page 87
Psalm 119, part 5 (Broadcast Psalter) Romans 8. vv. 12-27
Our blest Redeemer (BBC Hymn
Book 160)
Jack White and his Band
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A documentary story of a Western Canadian farming community.
Programme prepared in Montreal by the International Service of the CBC from recordings made in the town of Coronation, in the province of Alberta.
(CBC recording)
Lunchtime scoreboard
British Amateur Championship
Report by Henry Longhurst on the final day's play from the Royal Liverpool Golf Club, Hoylake
(Led by Fred Brough )
Conducted by Vilem Tausky
by Joseph Conrad
Plays produced by Cleland Finn
Shipping and general weather forecast, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
A report on events connected with the Coronation, including the voices of visitors and sound pictures of scenes and celebrations at home and overseas