Park and Dare
Workmen's Band
Conductor, Harry Nuttall
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra
A talk by Dr. C. C. Chestermam , who was for sixteen years a medical missionary in the Beflgian Congo and is now an authority on tropical medicine in London
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Talk by Doreen Fulleylove
(BBC recording)
Felix King and his Orchestra
Marion Studholme (soprano)
Keith Cummings (viola)
by Joseph Harsch
Music AND MOVEMENT I, by Marjorie Eele
0 worship the King (A. and M. 167;
S.P. 618)
New Every Morning, page 7
Canticle 6 (Part 2) (Broadcast Psalter)
St. Mark 4, vv. 1-9
Teach me, my God and King (S.P. 652)
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
Explication de texte par Henri Fluchère : Jean-Jacques Rousseau ' Reveries d'un Promeneur Solitaire ' (Cinquieme Promenade)
A record programme presented by Ronald Fletcher
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson , Jack Train , and Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions, and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
A series of six plays on crime by Adam Bishopsworth
3—' All Done by Kindness'
by Charles Hatton
Plays produced by Norman Wright
' Four in Hand' team work by Doris Gambell , Violet Carson , Muriel Levy , and Hugh Morton
' Branestawm's Theatre,' by Norman Hunter. Another story about Professor Branestawm. Told by Hugh Morton. (BBC recording)
5.30 Children's
Country Dance Party with Nan Fleming-Williams (violin)
Jackie Toaduff (clog dancer) and the Birmingham Square Dance Band
Introduced by Sibyl Clark
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. William Rogan ,
Minister of Paisley Abbey
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
This time is reserved each week for a talk by a distinguished visitor from overseas or a British resident returning to this country from abroad
(Winter Series)
Alan Loveday (violin)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard ) Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent
From the Royal Albert Hall, London Tickets from 7s. 6d. to 3s. 6d. (Promenade, Arena, or Gallery, 2s. at doors only) may be obtained from the Royal Albert Hall and usual agents