and forecast for farmers and shipping
Mark Lubbock and his Orchestra
Joan Davies (piano)
Overture. The Force of Destiny (Verdi): London Philharmonic Orchestra. conducted by Georg Solti
Spanish Rhapsody (Liszt— Busoni): Egon Petri (piano) with the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Dimitri Mitropoulos
Symphony No. 2. in D (Brahms): Danish State Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Fritz Busch on gramophone records
Conducted by Reginald Kilbey
Five experts on films, theatre, books, radio, and art
Conducted by Roger Manvell
12.11 Radio: Henry Reed
12.20 Art: Christian Barman
12.28 Films: C. A. Lejeune
12.37 Theatre: Alan Dent
12.45 Books: Elspeth Huxley
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Listeners' questions about the countryside answered by Eric Hobbis , Maxwell Knight , and Ralph Wightman
Question-Master, Jack Longland
Produced by Bill Coysh
by Bernard Shaw
Part 1
Other parts played by Michael Godley. Ella Milne
Elsa Palmer. Gladys Spencer
Produced by Peter Watts
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A report on the past week's proceedings of the General Assembly at United Nations headquarters, New York
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conducted by Issay Dobrowen
Appeal on behalf of the English Folk Dance and Song Society (Cecil Sharp House Reconstruction Fund), by Ralph Vaughan Wililiams, O.M.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Arranged as a serial for broadcasting in eight parts by R. J. B. Sellar
Produced by James Orampsey in the BBC Scottish studios
James Durie, Master of Ballantrae and heir to old Lord Durrisdeer, is believed to have been killed at Culloden. Years later he returns to Scotland to find that he has forfeited his title, and that his younger brother Henry has married Alison Graeme, whom the Master had wished to make his wife. A bitter feud between the brothers ends in a duel, after which the Master is left for dead. He is, however, succoured by smugglers and taken to France where he recovers. Later he makes a second return to Scotland and finds that Henry is now Lord Durnsdeer. To avoid further strife between the brothers, Alison persuades her husband to leave Scotland secretly and go with her to her estate in New York. The Master, left behind with the old land-steward Ephraim Mackellar for company, is enraged to find himself duped. Mackellar will not tell him where Henry has gone, so the Master swears he will discover for himself, and pursue Henry with his vengeance. One wild night the Master startles old Mackellar by revealing that he knows where his brother has gone.
by Charles Fletcher
Five years ago Charles Fletcher , M.D., F.R.C.P., agreed to become Director of the Pneumoconiosis Research Unit of the Medical Research Council. So he set to work-in South Wales, where dust diseases among coal miners are very prevalent-knowing, he says, very little of the subject. Soon" he developed a warmth of personal enthusiasm for the given aim: to make the utmost contribution to lessening dust diseases by the application of scientific method in the field of medicine. Obstacles, of course, there are in plenty.
A poetry notebook
Edited and produced by Patric Dickinson
Pauline Letts and Carleton Hobba
' God is our hope and strength ' Psalm 34, w. 1-10. and 15-18 Jeremiah 16, w. 19-21. and 17, vv.
Put thou thy trust in God (A. and M.
Te Deum , w. 28 and 29