and forecast for farmers and shipping
Charles Williams and his Concert Orchestra
Cyril Preedy (piano)
Overture. Leonora No. 1 (Beethoven):
London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Eduard van Beinum
Symphony No. 9, in C (Schubert):
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. conducted by Herbert von Karajan on gramophone records
Conducted by John Summerson
12.11 Art: Basil Taylor
12.20 Films: Connery Chappell
12.28 Theatre: Philip Hope-Wallace
12.37 Books: William Plomer
12.45 Radio: Giles Romilly
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Maurice Burton introduces two speakers, Maxwell Knight and Malcolm Smith , with the sounds of several species of frogs recorded in Denmark by Carl Weissmann and in Britain by Ludwig Koch
Produced by Desmond Hawkins in the West of England studios
Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor played by Iso Elinson and the London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, George Stratton )
Conducted by George Weldon
The programme also includes Dvorak's Symphonic Variations
Coleford to Newnham through the Forest of Dean
The three travellers were :
Audrey Russell
Henry Reed
Ralph Wightman
They made the journey separately and on different days. Afterwards each recorded a description of the journey without knowing what the others were to say. In this programme these three recorded descriptions follow each other section by section
Production by Brandon Acton-Bond
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Megan Lloyd George
The Member of Parliament for Anglesey spent her childhood in an atmosphere of politics. One of her earliest memories is of sitting on her father's knee, in a haze of cigar smoke, listening to discussions on the politics of the day.
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
' Power from on high
Psalm 89 (Broadcast Psalter) w. 1-5.
Acts 3. w. 1-18
Rise up, 0 men of God (S.P. 635) St. John 14. vv. 12 and 13