Morris Motors Band
Conductor, G.V. Brooks
and forecast for farmers and shipping
The Raeburn Orchestra
Conducted bv Wvnford Reynolds
Reading from ' The Way According to St. Mark,' a book of meditations by the Bishop of St. Albans
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Talk by Iris Holland Rogers
(BBC recording)
and his Sextet
6-' What happens on your day '
Last talk in the series by W. C. W. Nixon . F.R.C.O.G., Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of London
Henry Gill (bass-baritone)
John Wolfe (oboe)
Southern Serenade Orchestra
Directed by Lou Whiteson with Bennett Fynn (tenor)
News commentary
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost; New Every Morning (rev.) 93; Psalm 119 (7) ; St. Mark 14; 0 love who formedst me
Harold Geller his Violin and his Orchestra
GENERAL SCIENCE. Man and his Animals. 3-' The Cow,' by J. Patterson
11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. Lecture dramatique: ' On ne badine pas avec I'amour. d'Alfred de Musset. Programme enregistre dans les studios de la Radiodiffusion Franchise avec Ie concours de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud—Jean-Louis Barrault
to the Channel Islands '
Speech by H.R.H.Princess Elizabeth in reply to the Loyal Address of the States and People of Jersey
Henry Riddell and Nicholas Crocker From the States Chamber, Royal Court Building. St. Helier, Jersey
Entertainment by the staff of the Christie Hospital and Holt Radium Institute, Manchester
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
Listeners' requests played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
LIVING IN THE country. The Quarry-man.' Script by Ronald Harvey
2.25 GEOGRAPHY. Monsoon Lands of the Far East: the Inland Sea
2.50 junior ENGLISH. 'Mary Kingsley ' : short biography. Script by Eileen Hots
Piano Sonata in D (K.311) played by Michal Hambourg
Radio play by J. Jefferson Farjeon
Produced by Donald McWhinnie
All-England Championships
Commentaries by Max Robertson and Rex Alston. From Wimbledon
Godfrey Winn's Musical Box
' Tusker Turns the Tables ': another story about the baby elephant, by Antonia Ridge. Read by John Darran followed by International Music Eisteddfod
A programme of recordings made during the competitions, and interviews with people who attended the festival at Llangollen last week"
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by John G. Williams
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Regional Variations (8)
Regional news. sport.
Scottish news, sport.
Midland news, sport.
Regional news, sport.
Regional news, sport
Regional news, sport.
Regional Variations (2)
Tchaikovsky (records).
Records from his suites and ballets
Regional Variations (3)
M. Bevan Evans talks about Flintshire.
Western European Commentary.
A series of talks broadcast jointly by the radio organisations of Great Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg
Regional Variations (3)
Philip Garston-Jdnes explores entertainment at Great Yarmouth.
New London Opera Company: Act 1 of Rossini's ' The Barber of Seville
A performance in Italian by the New London Opera Company
Libretto by Cesare Sterbini
Cast in order of singing
New London Opera Chorus
(Chorus-Master, George Coop) New London Opera Orchestra
(Leader, Max Salpeter )
Conductor Alberto Erede
Vocal director. Dino Borgioll
From the M.A.D. Society's season of Italian Opera. Stoll Theatre. London
Regional Variations (4)
Betty Driver : Winston Lee's Quintet.
As North
In Britain Now.
Contributors from all over the country talk about things that are going on in Britain now
Introduced by Frederick Allen
Edited by Patrick Beech
Regional Variations (3)
Something Old, Something New (records).
' Ail Feddyliau ar Geiriog': sgwrs gan Hugh Bevan.
with Minna Reverelli Les Paul , Mel Torme
Morton Gould and his Orchestra on gramophone records
' What Is the Truth About the Dangers of Atomic Bombing?' by J. Bronowski
A talk contrasting the ideas put forward in Dr. David Bradley 's ' No Place to Hide and Professor P. M. S. Blackett 's ' Military and Political Consequences of Atomic Energy '
Regional Variations (7)
Report on the visit of H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth and H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh to Alderney and Jersey.
As North
As Scotland.
BBC Scottish Orchestra.
Albert Webb and his String Orchestra.
In Britain Now.
Conductor, Ian Whyte