Harold Geller and his Sextet
and Mrecast for farmers and shipping
The Albert Cazabon Orchestra
Reading from William Temple's book. 'Christian Faith and Life'
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Harry Davidson 's Orchestra
Directed by Sidney Davey
Songs and instrumental music by Schumann: on gramophone records
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conductor. Gilbert Vinter
News commentary
from page 69 of "New Every Morning" and page 30 of "Each Returning Day" Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem: Psalm 114: Isaiah 52, v. 13 to 53, v. 6; He wants not friends that hath thy love
Harold Collins and his Orchestra
11.20 GEOGRAPHY. Britain's Trade Links. ' Meat ': the links between New Zealand and Smithfield Market
11.40 INTKRMEDIATE GERMAN. 'Eine Rheinfahrt ,' von Rolf Schreiber
Conductor, Eric Ball
from a canteen in Northampton, with George Myddleton at the piano.
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Max Kester. Chapter 6.
at the theatre organ
NATURE STUDY. 'Seals,' by F. Fraser Darling. The Atlantic grey seal: its food and habits
2.15 HISTORY II ' Farmers on the Prairie,' by Penelope Knox. The Canadian Pacific Railway (1885) opens up the great Western plains
2.40 ENGLISH FOR UNDER-NINES. 'The Swiss Family Robinson': dramatic scenes from the book. arranged for broadcasting by Julia Goodey. 1— ' Shipwrecked on a Desert Island '
' Blue Skies '
A gramophone programme written by Charles Maycock
Conductor. Charles Groves
Eric Harrison (piano)
by John Galsworthy. Final episode
' Your Beauty-During the Winter '
Start taking precautions now. says Jean Cleland
Another programme in the series about boys and girls starting work in different jobs
Today you can hear how Ellen Standish becomes a kennel-maid, ot her training in handling, grooming, and nursing In a pets' hospital. Programme written by Herbert Smith
Produced by Nan Macdonald
by Arthur Ransome told as a serial story by Derek McCulloch ('Uncle Mac')
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Topical talk and sport
Regional Variations (8)
As West.
Scottish Variety Orchestra
'This Week's Composer ' (records).
News in Welsh.
Elsie Suddaby (soprano).
Wessex Light Orchestra.
Bob Robinson and his Band
Extracts from ' The Seasons ' and ' The Creation 1: on records
Regional Variations (3)
' Farming Today.'
Welsh talk.
Clyde Higgs discusses extra livestock prospects on our farms
Regional Variations (4)
Who is the 'False Witness'? .
City of Birmingham Orchestra-Thelma Reiss (cello).
' Farm Forum.'
A programme to sharpen your wits. With Lionel Gamlin and Peter Watson. Crime sketch written by Bertie Chapman. Devised by Cleland Finn. Produced by Pat Dixon
Regional Variations (5)
' Sportsmen's Club.'
Mary and Geraldine Peppin (two pianos).
Welsh talk.
As North
Andante and Variations for two pianos played by Mary Peppin and Geraldine Peppin
Regional Variations (3)
'Grade's Working Party' .
West-Country Studio Orchestra.
In London
Yesterday's recorded broadcast In the Light Programme repeated
with Jack Train , Hugh Morton
Fred Yule , Lind Joyce
Diana Morrison , Deryck Guyler
Joan Harben , Hattie Jacques
Augmented BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Rae Jenkins
Script by Ted Kavanagh
Produced by Francis Worsley
Regional Variations (6)
As North
' The Common Story': play by Judith Gick.
'The Memoirs of the Dog Berganza' by Miguel de Cervantes.
' Difficult Children': 1. ' The Happiness Doctor.'
The Misty Isle': recorded impressions of Skye.
Extracted from 'The Dogs' Colloquy' by Miguel de Cervantes. Read by Dylan Thomas and John Chandos , as the dogs Berganza and Cipion
Regional Variations (5)
Modern Scottish Composers.
Ceinwen Rowlands (soprano); Gwyneth Hughes (piano).
Take it Easy.'
London String Orchestra.
Conductor, Alan Bush
Regional Variations (2)
' Science Survey.'
A weekly programme about work in the world of science
Radio-therapy Today
This week's speaker, who is one of Britain's leading radio-therapists, surveys the effect of recent advances in nuclear physics on radio-therapy. What hehas to say about the new and powerful tools that are now available for biological research, and about the agents-radio-phosphorus and radio-Iodine-with therapeutic possibilities is of special interest at the present time
A report from New York