Jack Salisbury and his Salon Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conducted by H. C. Burgess
A talk by the Dean of St. Paul's
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Ruth Drew
and his Orchestra
Movements from his symphonies: on gramophone records
at the theatre organ
News commentary
from page 73 of "New Every Morning" and page 64 of "Each Returning Day". Lo, God is here!; Psalm 116, vv. 1-9; Jeremiah 31, vv. 31-34; For those we love within the veil
Jack Simpson and his Sextet
THE PRACTICE AND SCIENCE OF GARDENING. ' Stone Fruits.' by Raymond Bush and Alan Peacock.
11.40 FRENCH FOR SIXTH FORMS. 'Vrais et faux amis.' par J. B. Brunius.
and his Octet
From the canteen of a firm on Merseyside. Introduced by David Southwood
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A weekly programme of topical reports from Britain and overseas
at the theatre organ
FOR RURAL SCHOOLS. In Dyisford and Beyond,' by Honor Wyatt. The explorers of the imaginary village of Dylsford meet to plan their year's work
2.25 GENERAL science, Air and Water: 1— 'Air is a Substance,' by Richard Palmer
2.50 JUNIOR ENGLISH. 'The Shepherd's Treasure ': a Persian folk tale dramatised for broadcasting by Kenlis Taylour
Last Thursday's recorded broadcast repeated
and her Latin-American Music
Adapted by Anthony Knowles from ' The Diary of a Man of Fifty,' by Henry James
by Harry Junkin
Plays produced by 'Oavid H. Godfrey
' The Wishing Pill': a story by George Baker , told by May E. Jenkin (' Elizabeth ')
5.15' Regional Round '
Teams of children all over the country answer questions posed by Derek McCulloch (' Uncle Mac')
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by John G. Williams
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Topical talk and sport
Joseph Szigeti (violin)
William Primrose (viola)
Pierre Fournier (cello)
Artur Schnabel (piano)
Part 1
A report from New York