Reynolds Payne and his Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
BBC Welsh Orchestra: conductor, Mansel Thomas.
'A Prophet of God': the life of Elijah. Readings from 1 Kings 19
and forecast for farmers and shipping
by Marguerite Patten
Ireland's Trio No. 3, and Walton's Piano Quartet: on gramophone records
at the organ of the Granada, Clapham Junction, London
from page 73 of "New Every Morning" and page 64 of "Each Returning Day". Children of the heavenly King; Psalm 57; Amos 5, vv. 4-15; Sunset and evening star
Al Flush and his Orchestra
Band of the Corps of Royal Engineers. conducted by Captain A. Young , Director of Music, Royal Engineers
Philip Hattey (bass-baritone)
Wilfrid Parry (piano)
and his Band
From a factory in London. Introduced by Philip Brown
A weekly programme of topical reports from Britain and overseas
at the theatre organ
Lunchtime scoreboard
Strings of the New London Orchestra (Leader, Max Salpeter )
Conducted by Ronald Biggs
and his Band
Guests: Eve Lynd. Eddy Bankey , Jack Mayer (with Alan Kitson at the piano), and Reg O'List and Jennifer. Host: Brian Reece. Music by Leslie Perry 's Orchestrette. Produced by Ernest Longstaffe.
by Ursula Bloom
Adapted by Molly Lefebure and John Garrish from the short story ' Here we Are,' by Dorothy Parker
Plays produced by Peter Creswell
'Crispin the Tailor'
Play by Lilian Douglas Stewart based on a story by Jaroslav Necas
Produced by Josephine Plummer
5.35 ' The Romance of Heraldry ' 2 — ' The Language of Heraldry '
Talk by L. G. Pine
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by John G. Williams
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Topical talk and sport
Maurice Cole (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
From the Royal Albert Hall. London
Talk by Brian Vesey-FitzGerald