Nat Allen and his Orchestra
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Eric Robinson and his Orchestra
' A Prophet of God': the life of Elijah. Readings from 1 Kings 17
and forecast for farmers and shipping
and his Orchestra
Ireland's London Overture, and Walton's Violin Concerto: on records
at the organ of the Gaumont Palace, Camden Town. London
from page 113 of ' New Every Morning ' and page 60 of ' Each Returning Day.' Let saints on earth in concert sing; Psalm 84; Amos 1, w. 1 and 2, and w. 4-16; 0 holy Spirit, Lord of grace
Band of the Royal Artillery (Woolwich)
Conducted by Major 0. W. Geary. M.B.E.,
Director of Music. Royal Artillery
and her Latin-American Music
Violin Sonata in C minor, Op. 30, No. 2 played by Bessie Rawlins (violin) and Reginald Paul (piano)
A radio parlour game with Richard Dimbleby. Anona Winn. and Daphne Padel asking all the questions, and Stewart MacPherson knowing aU the answers. Presented by Alick Hayes.
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
(Last Saturday's broadcast repeated
A gramophone programme of the music of Latin-America written by J. N. K. Billett
Lunchtime scoreboard
BBC Scottish Orchestra
Conducted by Ian Whyte
and his Orchestra
and his Orchestra
Talk by Mary Trevelyan
Growing-up in Greece today Is not simply a Greek affair. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation has a direct responsibility for providing the bare minimum of educational facilities for Greek children, as for children in many other war-devastated countries. Miss Trevelyan has been travelling in Greece for UNESCO to And out what can be done for Greek children. This afternoon she is talking from Paris on what she saw in Greece and what UNESCO is doing about it
A gramophone programme about theatre organists who are not often heard in this country. Presented by Robin Richmond
Adapted by Maurice Brown from the story in Rudyard Kipling 's ' Jungle Book,' and produced by Josephine Plummer
5.25 Song recital by Trevor Anthony (bass)
5.40 ' A Holiday in South Africa's Game Reserve': talk by Evelyn Levison
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Topical talk and sport
Eva Turner (soprano) Arthur Carron (tenor) Olive Groves (soprano)
Emelie Hooke (soprano)
Edith Furmedge (contralto)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Excerpts from
The Twilight of the Gods:
Day-Dawn and Sunrise; Duet, Beloved
Hero: Siegfried's Journey to the Rhine
Prelude and Scene 1. Act 3
(Siegfried ana the Rhinedaughters)
Siegfried's Funeral March Closing Scene
From the Royal Albert Hall, London