and summary of today's programmes for the Forces i
Exercises for men : Coleman Smith
Exercises for women : May Brown At the pianos, Barbara Laing and Andrew Bryson.
Miscellaneous records, including ' Night on the Bare Mountain'
Rev. Alexander Miller
'Mrs. Buggins' (Mabel Constanduros )
Gramophone records
at the organ of the Odeon, Leicester Square
Talk by G. B. Newe
Introductory music
Fill thou my life (A. and M. 70S, omitting vv. 5 and 6; S.P. 492: Tune, Richmond)
Blest are the pure in heart (A. and M. 261; S.P. 455; C.H. 478: Tune, Franconia)
Prayers: The Prayer of St. Richard; the Lord's Prayer
Jesus shall reign (A. and M. 220; S.P. 545; C.H. 388, omitting v. 2: Tune, Truro)
Closing music
Suite: Castor and Pollux
played by the Lamoureux Orchestra, conducted by Albert Wolff.
(Gramophone records)
News commentary
from page 89 of "New Every Morning" and page 40 of "Each Returning Day". Paraphrase 18, vv. 3-7; Te Deum, vv. 1-21: Hills of the North, rejoice!
Percival Mackey and his Band
INFANTS : Ann Driver
11.20 SENIOR HISTORY I. European Heritage. ' The ' Spirit of the Times' : 1 — 'Galileo', by Robert Gittings
11.40 Interval music
U.45 PHYSICAL TRAJNING (for use in classrooms), by Coleman Smith
Conductor, Guy Warrack
Lunch-time entertainment for factory-workers, from a factory somewhere in Britain.
Topical talk, or recorded repeat of one of last week's talks
Cycle of six songs, by Alec Rowley , sung by the BBC Singers : conductor, Leslie Woodgate
1 Deep-Water Jack ; 2 The Blue Peter ;
3 Sacramento ; 4 A sea Burthen ; 5 The Green Thicket ; 6 After Dark; 7 Rathlin Head
1.50 LYSGOLION CYMRU. (For Welsh schools). ' Rhigwm a Chan ' : cyfres gan Huldah Bassett i Want tua 7 oed. 1— 'Y Gaeaf
2.10 HOW THINGS BEGAN : ' Man, the tool-maker shows forethought and skill', by Rhoda Power
2.30 Interval music
2.35 SENIOR ENGLISH II. Book talk by Morna Stuart : ' Oliver Twist ', by Charles Dickens
BBC Variety Orchestra : conductor, Charles Shadwell
from Southwell Minster
Versicles and Responses Psalm 96
First Lesson : Micah 6, vv. 1-8
Magnificat (Hylton Stewart , in C)
Second Lesson : 1 Corinthians 1, v. 26-
2, v. 5
Nunc dimittis (Hylton Stewart , in C) Creed and Collects
Breathe on me (Stocks) Prayers
0 worship the King (A. and M. 167) Organist, G. T. Francis
First in a series of four talks from Scotland, in which the speakers look back on big decisions in their lives that they have had to make : Professor J. D. Mackie , C.B.E., M.C.
with Lucan and McShane, and Reginald Williams and his Band. From the Pump Room, Bath
' Intervener ', written by Eric Moore Ritchie , and read by Eric Gillett.
(Welsh Children's Hour). ' Hogiau'r Gogledd ' mewn rhaglen ysgafn gan R. E. Jones
Children's concert given by the BBC
- Northern Orchestra, conducted and introduced by Ronald Biggs , with Stephen Wearing (piano)
followed by National and Regional announcements
Alec Robertson talks about Beethoven's Symphony No. 1, in C, movements from which are played by the BBC Orchestra, conducted by Clarence Raybould
7.0 ' Experiment in Scotland ' : ' The Abundant Earth', written and produced by Moultrie R. Kelsall
A previous programme in the series dealt with war-time innovations in farming. In market-gardening, too, experiments in intensive cultivation have produced startling results.
7.15 Scottish Convention on Juvenile Delinquency : chairman, the Secretary of State for Scotland. Report, with s, taken at the Convention in the City Chambers, Edinburgh, on Monday, January 17
2—' Religion among Business and Professional People' : talk by Kathleen Bliss. (Christian Frontier Movement)
presenting ' Professor Edwin Carp ', with Elisabeth Welch , John Slater , Helen Clare , and Jack Jackson and his May Fair Hotel Orchestra, with Josephine Driver and the Four Star Girls. Script by Cliff Gordon (by arrangement with the Windmill Theatre). Produced by David Yates -Mason.
with spontaneous answers to 'Any Questions?': Commander A.B. Campbell, Douglas Woodruff (Editor of 'The Tablet'), Dr. Dudley Stamp (geographer), and Lord Elton. Question-Master, Donald McCullough
A Scot who is interested in the craft discusses it with three representatives from well-known Scottish engineering firms
Conductor, Sir Adrian Boult
Extracts from the Enthronement ceremony held in Westminster Cathedral this morning, when the Most Rev.' Bernard W. Griffin was enthroned as Archbishop of Westminster in succession to the late Cardinal Hinsley
Two movements from his Symphony
No. S, in E flat played by the Conservatoire Orchestra of Paris : conductor, Piero Coppola
and his Orchestra, featuring Dorothy Carless , with Doreen Villiers , Ruth Howard , Len Camber , Derek Roy , Johnny Green , Three Boys and a Girl