to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain , followed by ' REVEILLE!'
Cheerful gramophone records
Records of Les Allen, Canadian Variety and recording star
Popular records of November 1936
Records taken at random from the rack
BBC Men's Chorus, conducted by Trevor Harvey. Solos sung by Margaret Godley and Stanley Riley. At the piano, John Wills
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
under the direction of F. Ashton
H. Robinson Cleaver at the theatre organ
Presented by Christopher Stone and S. P. B. Mais
From waltz to conga
and his Band
Recording of yesterday's broadcast
Sunday's programme, with Margery Fry and St. John Ervine as guest experts
Male Voice Chorus, conducted by Kemlo Stephen. At the piano,
Ian Whyte
with Douglas Cameron (cello)
Percival Mackey and his Band
Broadcasts for the Forces on the world at war
4.0 News commentary: The where, how, and why of the fighting; people and places in the news
4.15 app. The United States and ourselves: 'An American looks at the world', by Henry Van Dusen. What Americans think about 'Empire' and about Europe
Unusual fretted instruments. Records from A. P. Sharpe 's collection, presented by Alec Bristow
Radio's own magazine for men and girls in Anti-Aircraft and Balloon Barrage units. Presented by personnel on gun and searchlight sites in the North-East of England. Programme arranged by Capt. H. W. Acomb and Second-Lieut. R. H. Currie , and presented by Richard North. Editors, Bill MacLurg and Howard Thomas
National and Regional announcements
(Robb Wilton ) in ' Office Hours', with Lauri Lupino Lane as Adolphus. Produced by Max Kester
teaches David Miller and you to play the mouth-organ. At the piano, Pat Dodd
Variety from a Northern theatre
Glimpses of people and things at home, specially recorded in Australia by the Australian Broadcasting Commission
with some of the Home Guard somewhere in England, in a sing-song conducted by Leslie Woodgate. George Pizzey (baritone). At the piano, John Wills
' Should church parade be compulstory ? ' A chaplain discusses the question with some soldiers. Rev. Ronald Selby Wright , C.F.
Master of ceremonies, Clay Keyes. Richard Goolden as Old Ebenezer, with Gladys Keyes as Martha' ' The musical newsreel.' This week's famous visitor, Ronald Frankau. ' Can you beat the band ? ' The Town Hall Orchestra, under the direction of Billy Tement. Weekly meetings organised by Gladys and Clay Keyes , and presented by Eric Spear
and his Orchestra, with Dorothy Carless , Len Camber , Jackie Hunter , and George Evans
Conductor, Harold Moss
to the Imperial and Allied Forces in Great Britain
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