followed by REVEILLE
A cheerful selection of gramophone records
A weekly ration of records made by America's Crooner Number One
Popular artists and bands fall in for your entertainment on gramophone records
Details of some of today's broadcasts
Conducted by Mansel Thomas
with Raymond Allen
From a hotel in the South
at the theatre organ
Presented by James Moody with the Bachelor Girls
Damau difyr at y bore
Sef pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif
Y rhaglen dan ofal Sam Jones
(A Welsh light programme)
played by Percival Mackey and his Orchestra
Today's anniversaries presented by Christopher Stone and S. P. B. Mais
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Leader, Frank Thomas
Conductor, Richard Crean
at the theatre organ
The forty-fifth lunch-time concert presented to their fellow-workers by members of the staff of a munition works somewhere in the North
Arranged and presented by Victor Smythe
A piano and Ivor Dennis
Produced by Harry S. Pepper
and his Band
and his Orchestra with Renee Barr and George Latter
Musical comedy-Episode 4
played by Van Straten and his Music
An imaginative visit to this beautiful South American city, illustrated by gramophone records.
Broadcasts for the Forces on the world at war
4.0 News commentary
The where, how, and why of the fighting; people and places in the news
4.10 app. The Commonwealth at War: Australia
Including a short feature by Desmond Hawkins, and a discussion in which Colin Wills and a member of the Australian Forces are asked questions about Australia by Chief Petty Officer Botting, Fusilier Burzio, Corporal Betty Foster, and Sergeant Picken
and. his Commanders with Rita Williams
Doris Arnold brings you some more gramophone records of ' classic ' songs and melodies that you know and love
followed by National and Regional announcements
Melodies from many radio shows sung by Marjorie Westbury
Paula Green
The Bachelor Girls and Ken Beaumont
BBC Variety Orchestra
Leader, Frank Cantell
Conducted by Charles Shadwell
Presented by Eric Spear
Nesbitt Sellers presents the week's news from home for New Zealanders in this country
A weekly summary of Australian news specially presented for Australians in this country, and read by Colin Wills
The fourth of a series, broadcast from or near the Goode Shippe ' Catastrophe '
with Chief cut-throat Bobbie Comber
Bottle-washers Bennett and Williams Young Joan Young , their cook
Helen Hill in the halyards
Trefor Jones , the joiner
The capture of the week,
Tommy Handley
Dance Orchestra, conducted by Billy Ternent
Theatre organ, played by Sandy
Revue Chorus, trained by Mansel Thomas and the eight hundred members of the Brotherhood of Boathooks
The map devised and plotted by Loftus Wigram
The ship navigated by Tom Ronald
with Roy Rich
Sailors ! Soldiers ! Airmen !
What's your favourite melody ?
Tell Roy Rich the title on a post-card, addressed to Record Time, Broadcasting House, London, W.I.
from a Scottish theatre
Oul' Barney introduces singers from the Six
Counties of Northern Ireland
A radio pick-me-up with Billy Cotton and his Band and Ivy St. Helier
Devised and compered by Philip Brown
Leader, Jean Pougnet
Conductor, Leslie Bridgewater
A programme of serenades on gramophone records
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