A cheerful selection of gramophone records
A weekly ration of records made by America's Crooner Number One
Popular artists and bands fall in for your entertainment on gramophone records '
Details of some of today's broadcasts
(Welsh airs) sung by the Gwalia Octet
led by Albert Sandier with Anne Lawrence
at the theatre organ
Presented by David Miller
Presented by James Moody with the Bachelor Girls
Darnau difyr at y bore
Sef pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif
Y rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths
(A Welsh light programme)
played by George Scott-Wood and his Grand Accordion Band
at the theatre organ
Dance hits, old and new
and his Finsbury Park Empire
Frederic Bentley
The interviewer, Wilfred Pickles
Produced by Richard North
and his Band
at the theatre organ
played by Percival Mackey and his Band
American artists who have played at the British Variety theatres and cabarets
Arranged by Harold Rogers
Reports for the Armed Forces on the world at war - the where, how, and why of the fighting; people and countries in the news
Directed by Eric Tann
Doris Arnold brings you some more gramophone records of ' classic ' songs and melodies that you know and love
followed by National and Regional announcements
Presented by James Moody
A comedy for romantic people by Francis Durbridge
Scene: A Bond Street Shop
Produced by Howard Rose
A weekly summary of Australian news, specially presented for Australians in this country and read by Colin Wills
with Georgie Wood assisted by Dolly Harmer
Turner Layton
Bobby Howes
BBC Variety Orchestra conducted by Charles Shadwell
Compere, Philip Slessor
Presented by John Sharman
with Roy Rich
Sailors ! Soldiers ! Airmen !
What's your favourite melody ?
Tell Roy Rich the title on a post-card addressed to Record Time, Broadcasting House, London, W.I.
A musical collision written by Reginald Purdell with Frederick Burtwell
Marjorie Westbury
Charles Heslop
Kitty de Legh and Reginald Purdell
The Dance Orchestra, conducted by Billy Tement '
Produced by Gordon Crier
Fraser Mayne presents 'old and new Irish songs
with Billy Cottqn and his Band
Under the direction of Jean Pougnet
A programme of gramophone records
Balalaika Orchestra and Chorus :
Black eyes ; No, no, I don't want to ; The meadow
Vladimir Rosing (tenor) and Olga Alexeeva (soprano), with Chorus and Balalaika Orchestra : Old waltz ; Two guitars