A cheerful selection of gramophone records
Records of Count Basie, the maestro of 'jump' music
Popular artists and bands on gramophone records
Details of some of today's broadcasts
BBC Men's Chorus
Conductor, Leslie Woodgate
Joseph Farrington (bass)
At the piano, John Wills
A musical show
Compere, E. V. H. Emmett
Produced by Stanley Maxted
and his Orchestra
played by Charles Smart at the theatre organ
A record programme of famous trio and quartet singers
F. H. Grisewood brings to the microphone people in the news, people talking about the news, and interesting visitors to Britain
and his Band with Diane, Beryl Davis , Bob Dale , Jan Zalski , and Eddie Palmer at the novachord
at the theatre organ
played by Van Straten and his Music
A gramophone programme of favourite ballads
Reports for the Armed Forces on the world at war-the where, how, and why of the fighting; people and countries in the news
Songs by the BBC Singers
Conducted by Trevor Harvey
at the theatre organ
The Thursday edition of the special twice-weekly radio magazine for men and girls in Anti-Aircraft and Balloon units
Ack-Ack Command Darts Cham pionship
The final round of the competition organised by Ack-Ack Command and the BBC. Each team plays from its own home throw, linked by land-line. Commentators, Charlie Garner and Raymond Glendenning
Other contents include music, novelties, and interest and entertainment features
Editors, Bill MacLurg and Howard Thomas
followed by National and Regional announcements
with Laurie Lupino Lane
Produced by Max Kester
and his Music with George Melachrino
Piano diversion No. 2
A new game, devised by Morley Adams and Neil Munro , specially for the listeners at home
The name of the winner and the correct result of the Red Cross Contest broadcast on August 23 and 25 will be announced at the end of this programme.
teaches David Miller and you to play the mouth-organ
At the piano, Sydney Bright
and his Band
Glimpses of people and things at home specially recorded in Australia by the Australian Broadcasting
with some of the A.T.S., somewhere in England, in a sing-song conducted by Leslie Woodgate
At the piano, Winifred Davey
C. Henry Warren invites you to share some village memories
(Second series,'No. 23)
Master of ceremonies, Clay Keyes
Richard Goolden as Old Ebenezer, with Gladys Keyes as Martha, his daughter
' The musical newsreel'
This week's famous visitors :
Murray and Mooney and ' Can you beat the band ?
The Town Hall Orchestra, under the direction of Billy Ternent
Weekly meetings organised by Gladys and Clay 'Keyes and presented by Eric Spear
and his Band with Diane, Beryl Davis , Bob Dale , Jan' Zalski, and Eddie Palmer at the novachord
A programme of gramophone records presented by Walter Legge