A cheerful selection of gramophone records
A weekly ration of records made by America's Crooner Number One
Popular artists and bands fall in for your entertainment on gramophone records
Details of some of today's broadcasts
Darnau difyr at y bore
Sef, pennill ac englyn a chan, gydag ambell stori ddigrif
Y rhaglen dan ofal John Griffiths
(A Welsh light programme)
played by the Scottish Variety Orchestra, directed by Ronnie Munro
at the theatre organ
Easy, breezy tunes on gramophone records
and his Orchestra
(A recording of last night's broadcast)
Time Signal, Greenwich, at 2.0
and his Orchestra with Renée Barr
played by Reg Pursglove and his Orchestra
and his Banjoliers with Isabelita Alonso
Talks for the Armed Forces on current affairs
with the Futurists Quartet :
Reginald Williams (piano)
Percy Waterhouse (clarinet)
Reg. Bishop (guitar)
Roy Richards (drums) and Doreen Villiers
Presented by Leslie Bridgmont
Doris Arnold brings you the first of a new series of her programmes of gramophone records, featuring ' classic ' songs and melodies that you know and love
With the exception of one or ;v;o broadcasts in ' Ack-Ack, Beer-Beer ', it is over a year since Doris Arnold has broadcast ' These You Have Loved '. Long before the war, this series had established itself as one of the most popular in the whole of broadcasting, and every week Doris would be deluged .with letters of request from all over the country.
Now, she brings this lovable series back to the microphone again, though for its new run ' These You Have Loved ' will not be a request programme. Doris feels, and her listeners will probably agree, that she can be trusted to compile the sort of programme that everybody likes. As before, her choice will cover old favourites of every kind, from dance music to opera, from symphony to swing, from straight song to violin solo.
followed by National and Regional announcements
at the theatre organ
Expert advice on popular games
4-Lawn Tennis
Simplified by H. Ingram Cakcr , wjth Freddy Grisewood , and Raymond Glendcnning as ' the average player '
Lesson III—Net play, the volley, and the chop
A weekly summary of Australian news, specially presented for Australians in this country and read by Colin Wills
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
and his Concert Orchestra
From 1927 to 1931 Peter Yorke , whose concert orchestra is the band of the week, was Jack Hylton 's pianist and arranger, and then he launched out as an arranger on' his own. In 1935 he formed his own band, which was given a first broadcast by Eric Maschwitz in a ' BandBox ' programme. This led to the series ' Sweet and Lovely ' — series which ran on from 1935 until the outbreak of war and made Peter Yorke 's name, and incidentally, gave him his signature tune.
He formed his concert orchestra in 1938 and played for the 'Theatreland ' broadcasts-some forty in all. During this week he will provide a pot-pourri of music from Gilbert and Sullivan to hot music, specially arranged. He is shortly to go into the R.A.F.
Sarah Churchill and Vic Olivet with A famous ' guess ' star
' The private life of Vic Oliver '
and ' London sings'
Jay Wilbur and his Orchestra
Produced by Ronald Waldman
with Tessa Deane
Dave Morris
Sidney Burchall
Norman Thomas Trio
Beryl Reid
Don Phillipe and Marta Terry's Famous Juveniles
(Bebe Terry and Dorothy Williams )
Gertrude Ainsworth 's Festival
Bram Martin and his Band
Devised by Lawrence Wright Staged by Walter M. Morris
From a Northern seaside resort