Animated adventures of a young aardvark. Arthur's chorus group is excited about an upcoming performance - and then strict Dr Fugue replaces Mrs Krasny as teacher. Show more
Animated series. Luke throws a party but doesn't invite Dixon, who decides to pump the Watsons' house full of poltergeists. Show more
Animated series. Are aliens stealing things from an island and dragging them underwater? Ant believes that's perfectly reasonable. Show more
It's the World Cup qualifier weekend so the show has glorious goals and interviews from the stars of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Show more
Comedy show that puts kids in the driver's seat and lets them loose to concoct the most preposterous pranks. And who better to fool than unsuspecting adults?
Children organise a wedding for their unmarried parents or step-parents. Best friends Tom and Alfie attempt to bring the Australian outback to the West Midlands. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
After the local auditions for a TV talent show are cancelled, Gav is out to prove that Bristol's got talent and transforms his flat into a studio. Show more
The doctors choose some of their favourite moments, including an experiment to find out what happens when you cough and a life-changing operation. Show more
Reality-style series. At Music Week, Eva wants to try something new. Clara has a hard time with the band's demo. Leia and Rachel decide to perform together. Show more
A recap of everything that has happened so far on The Dumping Ground. Plus, Myles and Rhys try to prove themselves the knowledge master of Ashdene Ridge. Show more
Quiz show. In this first quarter-final Calside Primary School from Dumfries take on Stone Church of England Combined School from Buckinghamshire. Show more
Drama series. As the end-of-year exams loom, Miss Cackle's secret is still weighing heavy on Mildred's mind. Show more
Drama series set in a children's home. Kazima is shocked when Alex returns desperate for help. She agrees to take him in and hides him in the attic. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Drama series set in a children's home. A wardrobe carrying an ancient curse brings trouble for Ryan, Joseph and Kazima. Show more
When Clem gets talent-spotted, all her dreams look like they might be coming true - but could her big break in the music industry spell the end of her friendship with Nero?
Comedy series. Lizzie starts having labour pains but Dexter is nowhere to be found. It's down to Nero to make sure Dexter arrives before the baby. A special musical episode.
Cast members from Lost & Found Music Studios perform a track from the show and give a brief tutorial.
Topical news magazine for children.
Fantasy drama. Jana and Imara run into familiar faces as they track Hartington. Selina competes in the tae kwon do fight of her life. Show more
Drama series. Dexter's desire to be with Bailey puts him at odds with Sasha and a former Football Academy rival, Roddy.
Drama series. Sasha and Bailey ally to save Dexter. The YP try to build bridges with the Umblebys, but first impressions aren't easy to change. Show more
Ryan becomes convinced that he is in line to leave Ashdene Ridge. To save himself, Ryan tries to turn everyone against Joseph. Show more
Dumping Ground characters gather to watch videos made by Ashdene Ridge residents about their lives there. This time it is the twins' turn. Show more
Drama series. Chloe meets Candi-Rose, but is their friendship doomed to fail? Kazima's charity cake bake is dealt a blow by downtrodden neighbour Edward. Show more
Drama series. Jody reacts badly to the assumption that she and Tyler are seen as a couple by all the others and sets out to find him a girlfriend. Show more
Dumping Ground characters gather to watch videos made by Ashdene Ridge residents about their lives there. This time it is Finn's turn. Show more
Quiz show. In this first quarter-final Calside Primary School from Dumfries take on Stone Church of England Combined School from Buckinghamshire. Show more
A recap of everything that has happened so far on The Dumping Ground. Plus, Myles and Rhys try to prove themselves the knowledge master of Ashdene Ridge. Show more
Talent show. The eight contestants learn they'll be singing a One Republic number one hit single and impress a fashion industry expert. Show more
Game show. Saara is in China where she connects three contestants from all over the UK via remote wifi for games and mayhem. Show more
Olympic medallists Beth Tweddle and Nile Wilson join the boys for more surprises and weekend wind-ups. A Beyonce fan takes to the air to win a fantastic prize. Show more
Comedy series. Lizzie starts having labour pains but Dexter is nowhere to be found. It's down to Nero to make sure Dexter arrives before the baby. A special musical episode.
Drama series set in a children's home. A radio internship gives Tyler a big story, but the truth is not always what it seems. Finn encounters a 'hobgoblin'. Show more