Animation following the adventures of a young aardvark and his friends. A leaky roof forces Arthur to study in Buster's room. Show more
Animated series following four friends at the Academy for Aspiring Sidekicks. Eric and Trevor go for a spin in the brand new Maxum Mobile. Show more
A new patisserie opens in Beanotown right opposite Pieface's dad's pie shop - and the crafty owner is determined to put his rival out of business. Show more
Match of the Day spin-off aimed at children aged 7 to 13, bringing viewers the latest from the world of footie as well as top players and pundits.
Iain Stirling hosts the school-based comedy panel show. The team captains are joined by Dominique Moore, dance phenomenon Aidan Davis, Alex Riley and comedian Susan Calman. Show more
Ricky draws and paints with his friends and family. Ricky is inspired by extraterrestrials to make alien gloop. He also makes a venus flytrap. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Oli White celebrates films and film-making. Apollo 13 director Ron Howard lends a hand when a group of young film-makers set out to make their own intergalactic adventure. Show more
Sam and Mark take their box of disguises to York to play a game of In Yer Face, and an embarrassing dad dresses up as Taylor Swift. Show more
Vloggers Lauren and Myles give their take on brand new Officially Amazing and Dragons - Defenders Of Berk. Also, they catch up on all the best bits from this week's CBBC. Show more
Drama series. Kazima and Tee must defend the Dumping Ground against burglars who break in to search for a mysterious package.
Comedy series. Nero discovers a book of angry poems written by Clem. But how angry will Clem get when she discovers the book is missing?
Topical news magazine for children.
Sci-fi drama series. Eve learns about lying from master of deception Abe and is soon an expert. Meanwhile, Will and Lily make Katherine suspicious of Zac. Show more
Dr Chris and Dr Xand are in Greenland to learn about glaciers and icebergs. The scientists and explorers spend their last day at the iceberg. Show more
The doctors fill their bladders, quite literally, to show what happens when you go for a wee. Meanwhile, in accident and emergency, one patient has swallowed a coin. Show more
Rosa decides that Stan and Hank need to bond, so she signs them up for the school debate competition, while she pairs up with Emily. Show more
Comedy drama series. Mum is buying a cot, looking at names and calling nurseries. Millie and Lauren decide that she and Mike must be planning for a baby. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Drama series. A party for new foster parents goes very wrong as Bailey and Carmen battle it out over celebrity parents and watery sabotage. Show more
Drama series. Sinister new resident Ryan arrives and shows he does not care how far he has to go to get what he wants.
The Dumping Ground gang make video blogs. With help from Floss, Johnny tackles the subject of big decisions in the latest video blog. Show more
Drama series. Carmen and Jody end up handcuffed together on a day when each has a different party to attend. Show more
Drama series. In battling to adopt a homeless dog, loner Bailey finally finds a friend.
Drama series. Tee finds herself lured into the world of street art by a homeless artist. She sees he is in trouble, but will she break the law to help him? Show more
Series about unusual places in Europe. Featuring the world's oldest cheese market in the Netherlands, a German car safari and a bed race in France. Show more
Documentary series. We meet another group of Year 7s including Harry, who loves dinosaurs, and James, who is dealing with dyslexia. Show more
Series which sees nine kids and 51 animals brought together. It is day nine and it is almost decision time - will the parents allow the Pet Heads a pet of their own? Show more
Two children from different schools deliver their funniest joke. Burgh goes up against Birchgrove. Show more
Cartoon capers with the canine Sherlock Holmes and his friends. Scooby and the gang investigate the strange disappearances of planes at sea. Show more