Animation following the adventures of a young aardvark and his friends. When Arthur catches Buster sucking his thumb, Buster worries that he will tell the entire school. Show more
Animated series. When Resus' grandfather, Grampy Vampy, gets locked in Dr Skully's confiscation cupboard, Luella uses a portal spell to get him back. Show more
Animated series. A new shape-shifting agent tests DM and Penfold's partnership to the limit at the criminal world's annual convention.
Topical news magazine for children.
Following four Year 8 pupils at an extraordinary school. Dockbridge High is being inspected by Ofsted. Can the school pass with flying colours? Show more
Tim and Naomi search the natural world for all things weird. This time they look at the unidentified black blob invading the California coast. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
The Odd Squad investigate strange events. In the middle of summer, Olive and Otto must figure out why parts of the town are turning snowy and cold. Show more
Two teams pull practical jokes on the public. Koala Bunnies and Prank Bosses summon wizards and aliens on a busy city street corner. Show more
The story of the friendship between 15-year-old British girl Iona, who lives on a floating hospital that sails the world, and Grace, a Congolese teenager who visits as a patient. Show more
Reality-style drama following a group of dancers. The Next Step Dance Studio holds auditions for the ten dancers in A-Troupe. Show more
Reality-style drama following a group of dancers. The members of A-Troupe are chosen and one of the best dancers does not make the cut. Show more
The Odd Squad investigate strange events. Dinosaurs break out of the dinosaur room in headquarters, and Olive and Otto must travel back in time to save the day. Show more
Comedy drama series. When Millie overhears Mum and Mike discussing a holiday in France, she tries to get an invitation for herself and Lauren too. Show more
Officially Amazing Goes Bunkers
Series 1
Episode 5: Leapfrog Juggling, Jet Board Slalom, Competitive Walking
30 minutes on CBBC Channel
Record attempts from around the world. Featuring the world-famous Moscow State Circus and an incredible jet-powered surfer. Show more
The doctors choose some of their favourite moments, including an experiment to find out what happens when you cough and a life-changing operation. Show more
Quiz show to find the UK's smartest school. In this heat, Hayshead from Angus take on Little Sutton Primary School from the West Midlands. Show more
Children organise a wedding for their unmarried parents or step-parents. Three young wedding planners use their knowledge and skill to pull off a game show-themed wedding. Show more
Tilly's big brother Jack has been away on tour with his water polo team, but now he is back and Tilly is cooking his favourite food for a welcome-home lunch. Show more
The adventures of a young aardvark and his friends. Buster receives a box of chocolates in the mail from a secret admirer. Show more
Following four Year 8 pupils at an extraordinary school. It is Parents Evening and the students are feeling nervous - all except for Year 8 pupil Mark. Show more
Comedy show that puts kids in the driver's seat and lets them loose to concoct the most preposterous pranks. And who better to fool than unsuspecting adults?
Iain Stirling is joined by child team captains Suleman and Mina and special guests Hacker T Dog, Ellie Taylor, Marlon Davis and Gareth Richards. Show more
Doctor Knowles and Professor McCork get to the bottom of life's questions. McCork and Hucklebuck attempt to break the record for the world's biggest ice cream cone. Show more
The story of the friendship between 15-year-old British girl Iona, who lives on a floating hospital that sails the world, and Grace, a Congolese teenager who visits as a patient. Show more
Comedy show that puts kids in the driver's seat and lets them loose to concoct preposterous pranks. And who better to fool than unsuspecting adults?
Animated adventures of two aliens on Earth. Zig and Zag turn Zogly Manor into a mobile home and head to the coast for sun, sea and surfing shenanigans. Show more
The Odd Squad investigate strange events. Olive and Otto face their biggest challenge yet.
The Odd Squad investigate strange events. Olive and Otto face their biggest challenge yet.
Mark and Lauren get the help of experts to design dream dens for children. The Dengineers build ten-year-old Aron his very own Bollywood den. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.
Comedy series. Lily tells Cassie and Maxwell about Rob's inability to get angry and they resort to hypnosis to cure him. Show more
Comedy series. Lily worries that Jas is feeling left out. With Ollie and Martha practically a couple as well as her and Rob, she decides Jas needs a boyfriend. Show more
The Blue Peter fan club has taken over, with music from Sophia Grace and The Shades. Plus part two of Radzi's free-fall challenge. Show more
Animated adventures of two aliens on Earth. Zig and Zag become DIY experts and set about fixing everything in Burb Street, whether it needs fixing or not. Show more
Animated series. When Alpheus Benthos announces he has found the gates to Lemuria, the Nektons fear he's beaten them to their greatest prize. Show more
Animated series. Squawkencluck reboots the Big Head base computer, which immediately locks up everyone in a maximum security prison. Show more
Animated series. When Luke's skateboard lands in goo from the Underlands, it develops a thoroughly evil mind of its own! Can Luke and the others stop the goo? Show more
Historical sketch show. This episode follows Mary, Queen of Scots, as she stumbles from being a young girl in Scotland to Elizabeth I's public enemy number one. Show more
The Blue Peter fan club has taken over, with music from Sophia Grace and The Shades. Plus part two of Radzi's free-fall challenge. Show more
When young Bailey Wharton is found living on his own, he is summarily placed in the Dumping Ground, where his arrival has quite an impact on the rest of the residents.
Comedy series. Lily worries that Jas is feeling left out. With Ollie and Martha practically a couple as well as her and Rob, she decides Jas needs a boyfriend. Show more