3D animated comedy series. Pinky agrees to swap places with Perky for the day, only to discover that it's all part of one of Perky's elaborate plans. Show more
Animation about two rival thumb wrestling teams. It's a battle of the ancients as Queen Nefercreepy battles the cave man Gogachog. Show more
Diddy Dick and Dom live in a pink cupboard. Nobody knows they live there, which is probably just as well.
Historical sketches. A Roman emperor finds an alternative to candles, an Egyptian tries to save on mummification, and Roundheads and Cavaliers take part in Historical Wife Swap. Show more
Animation. Poor, poor Grown Up Monster. All he wants to do is go on a date with his new girlfriend. Whoopee Cushion Monster has other ideas. Show more
Robbo and Tai help a Maori navigator find the Black Pearl with the help of a school of sharks. Robbo takes all the credit, and falls out with everyone. Show more
Ragnar captures Robbo, still believing him to be the Sea Born. Abi and Megan must protect Peter's coral sealing device from a cat burglar ghost. Show more
3D animated comedy series. Pinky agrees to swap places with Perky for the day, only to discover that it's all part of one of Perky's elaborate plans. Show more
Drama series about a young girl and her life in a children's home. A quiet night at the Dumping Ground is in fact just the opposite.