Animated series. Martha finds herself trapped in Weaselgraft and Pablum's lair and leads Helen and TD to their hideout by describing what she hears. Show more
Lola wants more than anything to make Charlie jump. She tries everything: hiding, ghosts and really scary stories. Will nothing work? Show more
Animation following the exploits of a big red dog and his friends. The story of how Clifford's enormous size frightened T-Bone when they met for the first time. Show more
Science for five- to seven-year-olds. What would you miss most without electricity? This programme looks at life with and without electricity in Peru and Zambia. Show more
Educational series using Makaton sign language. The Mandeville School band makes music with a variety of instruments. Show more
The programme follows two allotment groups on their growing journey from seed to plate. Children visit an organic farm and learn gardening tips. Show more
Alice Roberts explores Jersey's remarkable post-war transformation from a Nazi-occupied stronghold to a honeymoon island. Show more
Drama series about a housewife psychic. Allison and Cynthia's investigation into the decade-old case of Cynthia's daughter's murder reaches a brutal conclusion. Show more