Children's animation featuring the Caped Crusader. Dr Langstrom gives himself a serum he's been concocting and transforms into the hideous Man-Bat. Show more
Animated adventures of Bernard the Polar Bear. If Bernard ever succeeds in jumping out of the plane, he is bound to forget his parachute. Show more
Steven attempts to take his relationship with Stacey further, but is he being true to himself? Roxy is determined to become barmaid of the year, but has tough competition. Show more
Live coverage of the Scottish National Party annual conference.
WWII sitcom. Rene and his fellow prisoners continue their escape attempt from the German POW camp, dressing as girls from the Folies Bergere.
Series in which UK and US adventurers compete against tribal champions. They attend a wrestling boot camp in Senegal with the aim of taking on the locals. Show more
Hazel Irvine introduces highlights from tonight's matches as both Stephen Lee and Peter Ebdon look to book their places in round two. Show more
Ray Stubbs introduces highlights of play in Sheffield. With commentators Clive Everton, Dennis Taylor, John Virgo, Willie Thorne, Terry Griffiths and Neal Foulds.