Animation featuring rival thumb wrestling teams. It's a dance-off between the samba-prone N Fuego and the Dexteras' own robot, Unit 19G. Show more
Animation featuring rival thumb wrestling teams. Dextera's newest superstar, Mr Extremo, battles the crankiest Sinistra of them all. Show more
Diddy Dick and Dom live in a pink cupboard. Nobody knows they live there, which is probably just as well!
High-octane, adrenalin-fuelled adventure game presented by Reggie Yates and Caroline Flack where contestants compete to escape from an exotic island.
Series presented by Jeff Leach dealing with an assortment of topical issues facing teens. Jeff and 25 teens discuss teen gangs. Show more
Documentary about teen tribes. Another chance to see Dean, the hoodie.
Dermot Murnaghan hosts a general knowledge quiz in which teams from all over the UK battle to beat the Eggheads. Show more
Dermot Murnaghan hosts a general knowledge quiz in which teams from all over the UK battle to beat the Eggheads. Show more
A look back at the weeks talking points and football chat, plus up-to-the-second goal updates and results.