Dr John Marsden tries to stay awake for as long as possible to find out how sleep deprivation affects our mental and physical health.
6/10. A man cuts his arm with a chainsaw.
Identical twins
Elodie and Asha cause headaches for parents Chris and Zora [text removed]
Smart and witty political satire showing in US election week, starring John Travolta as womanising governor Jack Stanton. Seeking to run for the US presidency, his campaign is threatened by scandal. However the rough-and-tumble political race contains plenty of other surprises for all concerned. With Emma Thompson , Billy Bob
Thornton and Kathy Bates. Showing uncut. Review page 54.
Hardcore pomographer Rob Black has received the first Federal obscenity indictment in a decade, and could go to prison for 50 years if George W Bush wins the upcoming election. But with evangelical attorney general John Ashcroft so fervently opposed to the adult industry, is this just the start of an all-out war?
double episode
Ruby meets the man behind
Chrysalis records