What takes place in our brains when we experience love? And how can our sense of smell lead us to our ideal partner? Continues weekdays at 7.30pm.
10/10. A traffic accident results in a serious head injury.
Continues weekdays 8pm.
5/8. Why does an otherwise well-behaved three-year-old make such a fuss at mealtimes?
If George W Bush wins the upcoming US election, hardcore pornographer Rob Black could go to prison for 50 years - the subject of the first federal obscenity indictment for a decade. America's Attorney General is gearing up for a war on pornography and the result of Rob Black's test case is crucial. Interviews with Black, and some of his harshest critics, explore the issues.
See choice. Shown at 8pm on BBC1 (AD)
2/6. Dafydd sets up a gay stall at the village fete.
(AD) www.bbc.co.uk/littlebritain A new episode is tomorrow at 9pm
2/6. Art finds himself the star of his own version of Rear Window.
4/10. Louise is furious to discover Donna and David have a history. (AD)
: double bill