David Enders tells the story.
Sam and Elizabeth Williams make the pictures
BBC film
(to 11.00)
News in Welsh.
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
Bu llawer o son yn ddiweddar am Ewrop fel cymundod o bobl ac iddi hanes a thraddodiad arbennig. Daeth apel am i ni gydnabod y ffaith a hyfforddi'n plant ar gyfer y gymdeithas hon drwy gyflwyno iddynt addysg Ewropeaidd.
Ond bcth yn hollol yw ystyr 'Ewrop'? Gellir edrych arno fel dam o dir, diwylliant arbennig, fel mater o grefydd neu ddull o wleidydda, ac yn y tair rhaglen yn y gyfres yma byddwn yn edrych ar rai agweddau ohono.
Cadeirydd. V. Hampson Jones
Y cynhyrchu gan GEORGE P. OWEN
European Unity: 1 - Education
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
(to 13.35)
Television Outside Broadcast cameras are at Ascot to cover the Michael Sobell Stakes in which the top riders in Britain are competing.
Devised and written by Margaret Potter.
Pinky and Perky invite you to join them with John Slater as Poppa Luigi at The Pop-In.
Another chance to see the series first broadcast last year.
with Rolf Harris
The girls and boys in the studio
and Guest stars:
From America: Chubby Checker
Freddie and the Dreamers, Rosemary Squires, Johnny Kidd and the Pirates
A daily presentation of news and views from London and the South-East.
Introduced by Richard Baker.
followed by The Weather
A visit to this summer's excavation near Chichester on the site of the largest first century Roman villa ever discovered in Britain.
Charles Coles talks to Barry Cunliffe the excavation's director and Professor Ian Richmond a leading expert on Roman Britain.
From the West
Introduced by Cliff Michelmore.
with Derek Hart, Alan Whicker, Fyfe Robertson, Trevor Philpott, Macdonald Hastings, Christopher Brasher, Julian Pettifer, Brian Redhead.
A series by Hazel Adair and Peter Ling.
Marmot James calls on Mark with a startling offer. Paul Constantine's joke turns into something very serious.
by Maurice Buckmaster.
Marie had failed in her tests at the special forces training school, but other qualities make her a successful agent.
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
An international musical spectacular.
Introduced by and starring Van Johnson.
From the U.S.A. Rita Moreno, Bobby Van
From Italy Toni Dalli
From Germany Conny Froboess, Irene Mann
People of Port Talbot air their views for spontaneous comment by Lt.-Col. Harry Llewellyn, John Morgan, Russell Braddon.
Chairman, Clifford Selly
Playing "Suite for two pianos" Op.15 (Anton Arensky)
For Two Pianos
Beautiful to look at, beautiful to hear. Such is the critics' verdict on the Roman sisters, whose two-piano recital is screened tonight. These Romans - Josette and Yvette - are in fact Parisiennes, and first-prize winners at the Paris Conservatoire. They made their debut at the Town Hall, New York, and scored such a success that they have stayed in America ever since. Tonight they play a three-movement 'Suite for Two Pianos' by Arensky, a pupil of Rimsky-Korsakov.
The latest news with the focus on the main stories of the day.
Evening Prayers conducted by The Rev. Leslie Goy.