For Schools
(to 10.25)
For the very young
Vera McKechnie turns the pages in a new series.
BBC film
(to 11.00)
A programme showing how engineers exploiting the natural water resources of the Middle East are helping to produce a rise in living standards of the region.
Introduced by Michael Collins.
For Schools
(to 11.25)
Four programmes on young people in France today, presented in French.
Through a day in the life of a school-boy at Orleans, the programme examines the character and present problems of secondary education in France.
Introduced by Henri Appia.
For Schools
First shown on May 7, 1962
(to 11.55)
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
Edrychwn ymhell ac yn agos Drwy ffllm a thrwy drafod
Daw Cymru a'r byd i'r aelwyd I'ch difyrru
Wrth eich clnio
Y cyflwynydd, OWEN EDWARDS Y cynhyrchu. IFOR REES
Y golygydd, NAN DAVIES
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
Spontaneous Comment; Controversy; Conversation on issues of the day.
A Monday meeting for people with opinions with Erskine Childers.
Introduced by John Morris.
A series of programmes about the problems of young people.
Eddie steals a set of bicycle gears, but is he alone guilty?
For Schools
(to 14.25)
Christopher Trace and Valerie Singleton introduce a magazine programme for younger viewers.
Tricia Marks singing and playing her guitar
Building a Model Harbour
Written by Alan Poirier.
English version by Alan Adair.
A second chance to see the film series from France.
with Achille Zavatta as Cristobal
Cristo, Mimi, and Roger visit the Palace of Versailles in search of clues, and in a nearby hunting lodge they meet a very strange character who dabbles in magic.
A daily presentation of news and views from London and the South-East.
Introduced by Richard Baker.
followed by The Weather
During the summer half a million people in Britain take to the water each weekend. For these spare-time sailors, the Hamble River near Southampton is a favourite harbour.
This evening with outside broadcast cameras, flat calm or gale, you can enjoy some of the pleasure that is theirs afloat.
Look around with Cliff Michelmore, Derek Hart, Alan Whicker, Fyfe Robertson,
Trevor Philpott, Macdonald Hastings, Julian Pettifer, Brian Redhead and The Countrymen.
Introduced by Sir Brian Horrocks.
A series of programmes about famous regiments-the men and their music.
Music played by the Band of the Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall
Director of music, Lt. Col. Basil H. Brown, M.B.E.
Band and Pipes of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
Bandmaster, M. A. Pope
Pipe Major, A. Pitkeathly
Drum Major, J. Malloch
and the Pipes and Drums of the Black Watch
Pipe Major, J. Anderson
Drum Major, R. Dear
A comedy film series of family life with never a dull moment.
Starring Lucille Ball
with Vivian Vance, Dick Martin, Candy Moore, Jimmy Garrett, Ralph Hart
It's ice cream all round when... Lucy Becomes a Soda Jerk
The Window on the World
Panorama cameras look at People - Places - Problems that make news.
Introduced by Richard Dimbleby with reports from Panorama's regular team of commentators Robin Day, Roderick MacFarquhar, John Morgan, James Mossman.
with Robert Robinson
A quick look at points from the week's post.
by Denise Coffey and Anthony Steven.
With Paul Curran, Victor Brooks, Betty Henderson, Effie Morrison
From Scotland
A lecture by Alan Taylor, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford.